Friday 29 June 2012

Donating to Arizona Humane Society

While in Arizona, I was able to visit the state’s largest non-profit animal rescue group. The Arizona Humane Society is one of the nicest facilities I have ever seen. From a spay/neuter clinic to a training area, they have it all! Parks, stables, education rooms, and a gift shop are just a few of the things the AHS has to offer.

This little guy got adopted while I was there! Yay!

An astounding walkway that goes from the main building to the horse stables. The bricks were engraved with the names of people who have donated. I am excited to have a brick of my own there!

I got to tour the facility where animals from bunnies to goats took refuge. They get hundreds (yes, hundreds) of animals in a day (yes, DAY!). I am still blown away at how they do it all!

Writing the check for a donation!

It was an honor to donate to the largest animal rescue group in the state of Arizona. I know they will continue to do amazing works and end the cycle of inhumanity in Arizona.

Jurnee Carr

Thursday 28 June 2012

Fun in the Sun

Boy, were we pampered in Arizona! My corporate sponsor GAAM, Inc. sent us off to Scottsdale for a week where we got a taste of the desert! We stayed in the Four Seasons Resort where we did everything from a spa day to a Pink Jeep tour!

Feeling like a movie star the way we were treated!

One night we went to an amazing iPic theater where we were served dinner in recliners while watching Men in Black 3!

We also went on a dolly steamboat around Canyon Lake!

One of the coolest things was watching the Arizona Diamondbacks play pro baseball in the owner’s suite! I love watching sports so this was right in my ballpark! And I saw my first grand slam! So cool!

The Pink Jeep Tour was a blast! We got to seem some amazing views!

The very last night we had a party at the owner’s ranch. We got to cruise around in their Auburn!

Arizona was so much fun! Thanks to GAAM, Inc. for treating me like a queen!

Jurnee Carr

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Color Day: Peach, Olive, and Navy

Looking for the perfect laid back color palette?  We love the combination of peach, navy, and olive!  It's charming and rustic, perfect for your laid back barn or garden wedding. Navy and peach tend to remind us of a preppy nautical theme but when you throw in the moss or olive green accents, it changes the look completely to give it a natural and vintage foresty feel!

 5. J Crew via VPOnsale | 6. Jodie | 7. Wedding Chicks  | 8. The Perfect Palette | 9. Juxtapost


Jen & Saira

First Book in Cincinnati!

First Book is continuing its mission of providing children brand new books.  Recently, First book has partnered with Cincinnati public schools.  First Book has committed to providing books for the 3,000 children who are enrolled in the summer program!  Each child will receive three brand new books.  This program comes as the result of a new partnership with the American Federation of Teachers. 

Partnerships such as these allow First Book to expand its reach and have a greater impact.  Studies have shown that during the summer, some children lose the skills that they have acquired during the school year.  By providing children with books, they are provided with an added incentive to read.  This ultimately impacts their ability to maintain their literacy skills during the summer months.  If you’re interested in partnering with First Book to receive books for your school or program, go to

Happy Reading!

Ciji Dodds
Miss International 2011

Tuesday 26 June 2012

The Biggest Lesson That I've Learned

Everyone’s pageantry journey is different.  I’ve had my fair share of highs and lows but the one thing that has remained constant is that I’ve had a set of cheerleaders who have encouraged me every step of the way.  I often joke that they are Team Ciji.  We have a team bus.  Either you are on the bus or you are off the bus, but no matter what, the bus keeps going and will reach its destination.  I have seen my fair share of criticism, some deserved and some undeserved, but the biggest lesson that I’ve learned is  best articulated by Joel Osteen in his book Every Day A Friday.  That lesson is to Stay the High Road.

He said it best.  “Don’t be distracted.  God has already lined up the right people to celebrate you, the right people who will cheer you on and help you fulfill your destiny.  If you want to live in victory, you have to be very careful with your time and attention.”  The older I get and the more I encounter peaks and valleys, the more I realize that this statement is true.  I felt compelled to share this with you all because I know what it feels like to compete.  I know what it feels like to give your all and constantly strive to be and give your best, only to be criticized.  No matter what, don’t be disheartened.  As long as you are kind and work hard, you will be blessed.

All the Best,

Ciji Dodds
Miss International 2011

Monday 25 June 2012

Tips for the Bridesmaid: 50s Style Bridal Shower

The best thing about Facebook's creepiness is that you can get a glimpse into other people's fabulous ideas. A few months ago I lurked photos of my friend at a 50s themed bridal shower, and I absolutely loved it! The planning is fairly simple -- the invite establishes the theme, throw in a few decorative items to keep the theme going, and serve basic finger foods that use a ton of butter! The real fun comes with having all  the guests dressed from head to toe in 50s finery. Think full dresses, pearl necklaces, printed aprons, perfectly curled hair, just adorable! This is a very manageable bridal shower theme that is sure to be a hit with your gal pals.


Jen & Saira

Final Four

We have embarked on the final four weeks until the new Mrs. International is crowned!  Be sure to enjoy this next month because for one of you, your life will never be the same.  Remember to stay focused!

Thank you to all of the contestants who continue to invest countless hours to support a cause close to you.  I know you don't expect a 'thank you' for your efforts.  We all know, taking time to help others, in turn, does more for our own well-being.

Janet Bolin

Friday 22 June 2012

It's a Dry Heat!

Las Vegas was quite the trip! But I really dug deep into the desert when I headed out to Arizona with my corporate sponsor-GAAM, Inc. I went from humidity to dust in less than 4 hours! Hey-it’s a dry heat!

I will be writing a few blogs about my experience there. First I would like to begin with the scenery! When I hear desert, I envision an old western where two men are having a standoff and tumbleweed rolls through. That is not necessarily the case! Arizona had some of the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen!

Saddle up partner!

A few hours after we landed, it was time for horseback riding! Peggy Sue was such a good horse and very fun to ride!

I also did some hiking in Sedona, AZ. The terrain was much like mine from back home, but still had that beautiful desert vibe about it!

Can you see me??

Arizona had some of the most breath taking views. It may be a dry heat, but the beauty of the mountains out shines the sun!

Jurnee Carr

Thursday 21 June 2012

Real Wedding: Jennifer and Tavis

So, a while back we did a Color Day post on our friend Jen's "button inspired" wedding.  Photographer Angela Ferro exquisitely captured their day and, as promised, we're finally going to share some of our favorites with you! Jen and her hubs, Tavis, tied the knot on a beautiful, albeit rainy, day in Brisbane, Australia.  Australia is close to our hearts as PDR's Jen spent some time studying there in college and these photos bring back warm memories of BBQ's, relaxed and carefree vibes, and true Aussie hospitality.  Destination weddings are super hard to plan, particularly when you want to include as many personal touches as possible.  Luckily, Jen had brilliant wedding planners in her now mother-in-law and sister-in-law.  Her mother-in-law put her creativity and crafty skills to use with a number of DIY projects and the end result was a wedding bursting with character and charm.  We love the care taken to personalize this wedding and see Jen's warm personality and artist flare in pretty much every little detail.

Jen was happy to share her story and helped to shed some light on her overall wedding style and favorite moments.

On the importance of personal touches...

We also incorporated a few unexpected and nontraditional elements in the day. For instance, the initial plan was to play lawn games during the cocktail hour and use this time to take photos in the gardens. Unfortunately, it rained all day. One unexpected wedding event quickly turned into another as I told myself that I was wearing a one-use dress and was going to get the most out of it, even though it meant that Tavis and I were quite wet by the end of the photography session! Also, Tavis thought it would be funny to read his vows from his iPad and I then read my vows from my iPhone which I secretly had his best man carry for comedic effect. The ceremony was performed by both Tavis' brother and his best man and was both sweet and hilarious. For example, the first line of the ceremony was "Hello. This is a wedding." It was important to us to have a few personal details that really reflected us as a couple and I think these examples certainly allowed us to achieve our goal!

 On choosing to have a small, intimate wedding...

The wedding was cozy. Tavis and I both think that marriage is very intimate and personal and we wanted our wedding to be a great celebration of us. In fact, Tavis often referred to the wedding as a "party." We decided that the two things we wanted most out of celebrating our marriage were to be with the people we really love and take an awesome honeymoon. We happily remained true to ourselves and on budget by keeping these things in mind!

On her favorite moments of the day...

There were three really fantastic moments that stick out to me when I reflect on the day. The first was when I saw the cake. Planning the wedding from the US made me feel a little removed from the event. It wasn't until I saw the cake that it finally felt real and I became much more present; it was as though all the work had paid off and everything was going to be perfect. I am still in awe of how beautiful the cake was. The second of my favorite memories of the wedding was walking in the processional with Tavis' best man behind two bag pipers. The pipes made the most beautiful, heart-wrenching sound that set the tone for the ceremony, which Tavis wrote. Finally, was the first dance. Tavis and I danced to The Smiths "There is a Light that Never Goes out" which quickly became a sing-along for us and our guests. Then, at the end of the song, Tavis spun me around the room several times making everyone laugh and cheer. It was such a joyous event. The entire wedding was absolutely magical but these moments were definitely the most memorable for me.

Venue: Home of the Groom's Parents - Brisbane, Australia

Floral Design: Brisbane Bouquets

Invitations: Keg Design

Catering: Wine & Dine'm

Wedding Cake: Josie Staines

Bridal Gown: LoveJune

Bride's Shoes: Seychelles

Bride's Jewelry: Land and Laboratory 

Bride's Hair Clip:

Bridesmaid's Dress: Andrew Marc

Bridesmaid's Shoes: Stuart Weitzman

Men's Suits: Bill Paul Ltd.

Groom's Shoes: Dr. Martens

See more details of Jen and Tavis' Wedding and read the story of how they met over at Style Me Pretty!

Thanks, Jen and Tavis for sharing these with us.  We wish you a long and happy marriage!


Jen & Saira

Woofstock - Dogs, Love and Happiness

Woofstock Festival was the happening place for dogs in Bristol, Virginia! Hundreds of two-legged and four-legged creatures came out for a good time and to raise money for the Margaret B. Mitchell Spay/Neuter Clinic!

4K 4 Paws was just one event out of many at the festival! My sister-Jaecee Rae, my friend-Courtney Woolwine, and I all volunteered on race day!

We registered people and their furry friends for the race and gave them their numbers.

While the race was going on, Courtney and I were at the half way point of the race and gave runners water as they jogged along. Of course, the dogs had bowls waiting on them too!

After the race it was time for the festival! There were so many cool things to watch: a sheepdog herding presentation, the Smoky Mountain DockDogs had a competition, and a police dog demonstration!

My dog and Jurnee’s Journey mascot, Chi-Chi, made a new extra furry friend!

The day went to the dogs! It was so rewarding to not only be at the festival, but to volunteer to help save our furry friends!

Jurnee Carr

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Busy Weekend at MIS

I had a great time in Michigan last weekend.  We filmed a bundle of segments for Sprint Vision to showcase Officially Licensed NASCAR products for teams and drivers. 

My husband and I also had a chance to enjoy a couple of our favorite restaurants – Frickers and The Real Seafood Company.

Thank you to the volunteers I met working The NASCAR Foundation display at Michigan International Speedway.  It’s always fun to work with you all.  And, a super big thank you to our charity auction recipients, Bill and Kate from Delaware, who had the winning bid for the VIP Experience at MIS. 

Janet Bolin

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Out and About in Chicago!

In less than 2 months, the national competition will be in full swing.  You will be busy making appearances and competing.  No doubt your family and friends will go to Chicago to support you, but what will they do when they arrive and realize that their favorite beauty queen is MIA because she is constantly on the go? Avoid the guilt and help your friends and family out by pointing them to some famous Chicago attractions.  Here are a few.

The Shedd Aquarium is one of Chicago’s largest tourist attractions.  It has over 1500 species and  stunning architecture that is sure to amaze patrons of all ages.

The Magnificent Mile is a shoppers dream!  Your guests don’t have to miss out on the glitz and glam of pageantry~ one trip to the Magnificent Mile and you won’t be the only one with a wardrobe to die for during pageant week!

Gino’s East: Just because you are on a diet, doesn’t mean your guests are!  Gino’s East serves up some  of the best, Chicago style deep dish pizza.  Chicago is known for its cuisine, be sure your guests experience the best that the city has to offer.

Wrigley Field: Known for its ivy covered walls and distinctive marquee, Wrigley Field is sure to be a hit with your guests. 

These are just a few suggestions.  Chicago is a beautiful city with so much to offer. Your friends and family may not be able to tag along on your appearances and events, but that doesn’t mean they should have any less fun. After exploring Chicago, you’ll be surprised at what their “pageant week” photos reveal! 


Ciji Dodds
Miss International 2011

Monday 18 June 2012

Are You Certified?

Witnessing someone go into cardiac arrest can be a terrifying experience.   The family members of survivors consistently express feeling unprepared and unable to effectively help their loved ones.  These feelings are validated by the facts.  The facts are that 92% of people who experience sudden cardiac arrest don’t make it.  However, having someone on hand who can perform CPR can double or even triple their chances of survival.   Are you certified?

CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.  CPR is a combination of chest compressions and rescue breathing that, when done properly, can restore oxygen circulation to the brain.  In an emergency situation, the administration of CPR can be life saving.  The restoration of oxygen circulation can not only save a life, but can prevent permanent, irreparable brain damage.  If you are not CPR certified, the American Heart Association has great resources.  You can find a class or simply find more information.


Ciji Dodds
Miss International 2011

Real Wedding Planning: The Venue Search, Part 1

We became motivated to start PDR after planning our first wedding together (Jen's!). Now that we have our own blog and some wedding planning under our belts (unofficially, of course) we thought it would be fun to share some of the major steps for planning our second PDR wedding. Now, although we are starting with the venue search, we are of course skipping some major steps that all couples must broach, including dates, budget, and theme. While some of these questions remain open ended, we had enough of an idea to scope out some venues in order to get a more realistic view of what type of venue can host Saira's gigantic Pakistani / Chinese wedding. Here are the contenders thus far:

Maritime Park in Jersey City, New Jersey

Maritime Parc was the first venue we checked out, and we have to say that, as of right now, it's everyone's favorite. It was a bit hard putting on our poker face when we stumbled onto a venue that has pretty much everything we're looking for. The space itself is very modern and minimalist -- everything is bright white except for the light wooden floors. There's a ton of natural light (the majority of the walls are windows) and there are wrap around terraces. It's a 3-floor building: the first floor is a lobby with a few plain white sofas; the second floor is the main ceremony / reception area topped with low layered ceilings, windows on 3 sides of the room, a wrap around terrace, and beautiful views of downtown Manhattan; the third floor has an amazing wood cathedral ceiling, windows around almost the entire room, and a wrap around terrace. So let's get down to business:

The Pros

- They accept outside catering! While their own catering menu sounds pretty amazing, it's a huge plus that they allow you to bring in outside help. They do, however, require references for places they haven't worked with before.

- The space itself is like a blank canvas, so you can really create whatever you want with it. They have no restrictions on decorators or florists, so it's really your space to create.

- There is no extra ceremony fee.

- The location is perfect for pictures -- it's located in Liberty State Park, so you have a lot of greenery plus beautiful views of downtown Manhattan.

- There is plenty of ample parking for guests with cars.

The Cons

- The chairs are this dark wooden color. If you wanted delicate gold chairs with white cushions, they cost an extra $6.50 per chair, plus tax and delivery!

- There may be extra costs if you don't use their house linen (which is grey and white). 

- The venue itself is located in Liberty State Park, which is right off the Turnpike. Convenient for our guests who are driving in, but may be an issue for our New York City guests who would be using public transportation.

- You can only come in to set up your event 2 hours before the start time. While this should be enough time it may be cutting it close depending on how dramatic your set up is.

- Because the space is so minimalist, you may need to spend extra in filling it up with candles, flowers and other ornaments so that it doesn't look too sparse.

- Saira's fiance's best friend is having his wedding there this summer -- what are your thoughts about sharing wedding venues with close friends?

The Mezzanine in Newark, New Jersey

We have been in love with The Mezzanine ever since we attended a wedding there for our good friends, Mike and Sheryl. The Mezzanine is housed in the National Newark Building. A former bank converted into an event space, the space is incredibly majestic, detailed, and grand. When you enter the space, you have to go up a set of stairs. The second floor is also the main floor, which is broken down into thirds which are separated by glass walls. The central space is generally what is used for the cocktail hour, and the side spaces are used for the ceremony and reception, respectively. When you rent the space, you have use of the whole building, which means you can really customize your wedding. We really liked the open floor plan, the beautiful marble floors, the elaborately painted ceiling -- it's just exquisite. But here's a more critical look at the Mezzanine:

The Pros

- The space is so elegant that we really don't think you need to dress it up much. All you really need are flowers for the table and some well placed candles.

-  There are no extra charges for tables, chairs, or linens.

- The timing of the event is very flexible. You can choose the start and end time, and there is no one there to strictly force you out.

- There is no extra fee for holding the ceremony at the venue.

- They allow outside caterers, and are not as strict when it comes to working with new places.

- The location is extremely convenient for those traveling from New York, as it's only a few blocks away from the train station.

- You can have your event here any time, rain or shine, as there is no outdoor space.

The Cons

- Because the venue is located in Newark, parking can be incredibly difficult. Your options are to make your guests pay for parking, do valet parking for around $3,000, or hope that your guests stay at a hotel (they partner with a number of hotels that provide shuttle service). Transportation to and from the hotel / train station is incredibly important, as you don't want your guests straying around Newark late at night.

- The costs are on the higher side, although there appears to be some flexibility. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to get a set price per head yet, with the event coordinator asking us to name a number rather than giving us an approximate amount.

The Newark Museum in Newark, New Jersey

(Images from Henry Shoots)

We stumbled upon the Newark Museum after doing some research on museum weddings. Unlike New York museums, the Newark Museum is definitely on the affordable side, and appears to be relatively unknown option. Situated near the Rutgers Newark campus, the Newark Museum provides a great alternative to your usual banquet hall. The main reception space is the Engelhard Court, a beautiful open space in the center of the museum. Having your wedding at the museum means your guests can have access to one of the many interesting galleries -- both beautiful and educational! A wedding at the Newark Museum gives you access to the garden and the Ballantine House (a historic mansion converted into a museum) at no extra cost.  Let's examine this option:

The Pros:

- While the Museum itself is not very grand, the Engelhard Court is very beautiful and airy.

- The garden is a true surprise. It has a giant cherry blossom tree in the middle, and is surrounded by subtle structures around the perimeter. Weather permitting, your ceremony and cocktail hour would take place outdoors in the garden.

- The Museum's required rental fee, plus a set-up fee, is actually quite affordable. Of course, these costs don't include catering, but even so, it won't burn a hole through your pocket.

- We love that you have access to the Ballantine House. While this space will not be open to the public, your wedding party plus a few special guests are given space to get ready and enjoy a few relaxing moments before the big day.

- The staff seems to be incredibly helpful and on top of things. You can tell that an event here would be incredibly organized and well-timed.

The Cons

- The Engelhard Court is a beautiful space, but with 250 guests, it will be very cramped. While it can accommodate approximately 250 people, we think the space is better suited for no more than 200 guests.

- If you plan on having your ceremony here, but it ends up raining, your Plan B is to hold the ceremony in an auditorium -- definitely not the ideal romantic setting. 

- Similarly, if it rains you no can no longer use the garden for cocktails. Instead, you would use the space surrounding the Engelhard Court, known as the Vaulted Gallery, which will do the trick, but could lead to a more cramped and difficult to navigate cocktail hour.  

- They are incredibly strict with outside caterers, although they do allow them. Apparently there is a bit of a vetting process, but hopefully your caterer will understand that once they are approved, it will make subsequent weddings at the Museum much more convenient.

- You may incur additional fees for tables and chairs. While they provide white folding chairs for the outdoor ceremony and gold chairs for the reception, they only have 160 gold chairs, which means you'll have to supplement the rest out of pocket at $5.50 a pop.


Okay dolls, now that you have a little information about our current contenders, what do you think? Have you had any experience with these venues and have some words of wisdom to share with us? If you could choose one, what would you do? Also, now that you have a glimpse into Saira and Henry's wedding style, do you have any other recommendations for the New York / New Jersey area? We would love to hear what you think!


Jen & Saira

So Long Las Vegas!

Vegas was one of the most interesting trips of my life! I will now wrap up my trip with this last blog about some of the other cool things we did.

Freemont was brighter than the city! This place downtown was full of Vegas souvenirs and characters galore! I loved watching the light show on the roof that covered the street as people zoomed overhead on zip lines!

We visited Ethel M’s chocolate factory. They made my mother some fresh chocolate strawberries!

One of my goals was to see the famous Las Vegas sign! I was so happy to see it and take pictures with other tourists as we all stood around the sign!

Most people only see the front of the famous sign. The back is important too!

M & M’s are one of my favorite candy! But I’ll only eat the almond or peanut kind. Luckily, there was a wall full of different colored peanut M&M’s so I could make my own creation!

Our last night in Vegas, we ate at the Rain Forest Cafe (my 2nd favorite restaurant to Cheesecake Factory)!

I had such an exciting and busy trip in Vegas! I enjoyed working for the Humane Society of the United States at the International Animal Care Expo and having some fun in the city in between!

Jurnee Carr