My Ping in

Saturday 7 August 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness & Early Detection

Finding a cure for breast cancer & spreading awareness about this disease & the effects is SO important to me! When I was nine, my mom & my dad’s mom were diagnosed with breast cancer just months apart. When my dad told me that my mom had breast cancer, I had so many questions – was she going to die? What did it mean that she was having plastic surgery? Was she going to be plastic? Would she still be able to play with me? And after her surgery, I didn’t know what to expect at all. I don’t know if I could even form my questions – I just wanted to know what was going on!

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, but the rate of survival is going up! I’m proud to say that my momma is a 16-year survivor. She has shown me that there are endless ways people can help. An obvious (and GREAT!) way to help is to donate money. However, I know that this isn’t an option for many people. Luckily, this is not the only way you can help! Here are some other options:

• Participate in a Race for the Cure

• Find events in your area through the website & come out to show your support

• Encourage friends to get annual mammograms

• Lend an ear to a friend who has been effected by this disease

• Offer your support by going to the follow-up visit if they have found a lump. This can be such a scary time & just having another person there can be very comforting.

• Share your experience with others & answer their questions openly & honestly

• The easiest (& cutest!) way to help – WEAR PINK! When someone compliments your awesome shirt, throw in a little bit about the cause.

These are just a few examples of ways to help out that don’t require your moola! I hope everyone will take the time to think about how you can help, & thank you in advance!

Ashley Smith

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