Tuesday 14 September 2010

National Fashion’s Night Out, Georgetown

What a fantastic evening! About a month ago I was invited by a gallery in Georgetown to model custom made couture jewelry at International Fashion’s Night Out. I invited my sister queen, Ashley Smith, to join me since she recently moved to Georgetown.

A local chauffer service provided us a fantastic driver (Les) who was our guide for the evening- he was great!

Georgetown was buzzing with activity on the beautiful fall evening. We arrived around 6:30p.m. to the first event where we modeled fabulous jewelry pieces from designer Mindy Lam, and met fascinating and influential people.

Four different newspapers/media interviewed us and took photos for their publications!!

After about an hour of modeling, we headed up to a fashion show for Cause. Cause is a group that raises money to provide entertainment (books, movies, gaming systems and games, etc.) to the wounded warriors recovering at Walter Reed Hospital. This is especially close to my heart, being a granddaughter and niece of military men. I supported the wounded warrior project by attending their picnic at Quantico Military Base last spring when I was Miss Teen East Coast International, as well as having visiting the Walter Reed Army Medical Center on multiple occasions.

Some of the event organizers recognized me from the picnic where I had made an appearance last spring, but did not recognize the new crown- they were thrilled that I had won Miss Teen International and were excited for me to work with the recovering troops during my reign!

Ashley and I felt like true celebrities!!!! We got a taste of a pedi-cab ride- a bicycle that had a little coach behind it for us to sit in---what fun!

After the fashion show, we buzzed around the shops in Georgetown that were all hosting special events-Georgetown has fabulous shopping and both Ashley and I love to shop!!

Next, our car was waiting to take us to our dinner at the Old Ebbitt Grill. This is the oldest restaurant in DC (154 years old)! All of the Presidents have eaten there and it is right across from the White House. We were warmly welcomed and given a special table. We invited Les our driver to have dinner with us, he was thrilled and said he felt like such a celebrity just being with us. He volunteered to be our official chauffer for our reign- how neat!

We had a fabulous dinner and got some photos with the chef and General Manager.

Finally, it was almost midnight and time to get to bed since I had a busy Saturday ahead of me! Les got our car and we dropped Ashley off and headed home. Les, said he hadn’t had this much fun in a long time and was looking forward to taking us to our Recess by the River (American Heart Assn) appearance on Tuesday- talk about the “royal treatment”! I had a great time at Fashion’s Night Out and will definitely be in attendance again next year!

Juliana McKee

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