Thursday 21 October 2010

Light the Night

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society had their annual Light the Night Walk in DC this weekend. Last year these events raised over $1,497,000!! Amazing! I found out about the walk on Thursday with my amazing new googling skills, so it was a little late for me to be able to raise money by Saturday for the walk. Instead, I called the area director & asked about volunteer opportunities the morning of the event. I signed myself and my boyfriend up to help set up that morning. OMG.

I had never really thought about the work that goes into putting on an event like this! I was lucky enough to be assigned to the Balloon Tent. Fun, huh?? You bet! We spent the day organizing lights, blowing up balloons, and sticking those lights in the balloons. It was a lot of fun!

It was actually pretty hard work though – no breaks! I remembered to take a couple pictures, but that’s definitely something I have to get better at. Like I said, we didn’t participate in the walk, but I encourage all of you to check out the website & see if you can find a walk near you! And remember that if you don’t have money to give, you can always give of your time. It takes a lot of people & hard work to put on events, so help out!!

Me with a battery pack – we had to check them ALL to make sure they worked!

Sebastien helping out! He missed a day of watching football for this, but he wasn’t lacking in spirit!

Ashley Smith

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