Sunday 31 October 2010

November is National Adoption Month

Mrs. International, a mother by the miracle of adoption, is celebrating National Adoption Month with NCFA

“The miracle of adoption allows me to hear the sweet word “mama” from the angelic voice of my daughter, Halle-Grace. I struggled for many years, suffered in pain and silence, and lost hope many times. I encourage you to NEVER give up on your dreams of building a family. Jason and I thank God that we allowed Him to build our family in His way and in His time.” Shannon Devine, Mrs. International 2010 and National Spokesperson for NCFA.

Every year in the U.S. millions of women face untended pregnancy, yet fewer than 22,000 infants are placed for adoption.  Nearly 115,000 children languish in U.S. foster care, waiting for a loving, permanent family.  Around the world, millions of orphans and abandoned children dream of belonging to a family.

November is National Adoption Awareness Month, and as the leading adoption advocacy organization in the United States, the National Council For Adoption (NCFA) is working to raise awareness of the positive option of adoption.

NCFA believes that every child deserves a loving, permanent family. For those mothers and fathers facing unintended pregnancy who are not ready or able to parent, adoption provides them with an opportunity to give their children loving families who can meet all of their needs.

In the United States, there are almost 500,000 children in foster care; of these, nearly 115,000 are waiting to be adopted. There are also millions of orphaned and abandoned children worldwide. For an institutionalized child, adoption can mean a life of permanency, stability, and opportunity with a forever family, yet in 2009 fewer than 13,000 children from other countries were made available for intercountry adoption.

Americans have clearly embraced adoption. In fact, a 2010 survey commissioned by NCFA found that 40% of Americans indicated their willingness to adopt a child. Millions of Americans – our friends, family members, and colleagues – have grown their families and enriched their lives through adoption.

NCFA provides information to prospective birthparents on its website, which includes Frequently Asked Questions about placing a child for adoption and testimonials from birthparents. Through its Families For All public awareness campaign, NCFA inspires Americans to consider adopting or becoming involved in the lives of children in foster care. And NCFA’s Intercountry Adoption Journey, an online training course to educate prospective adoptive parents and adoption agency professionals about the adoption process under the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption, has become the standard-bearer in its field.

“As a father by adoption, I know firsthand the joys that adoption can bring to both children and families,” said Chuck Johnson, president and CEO of NCFA. “If you are considering adoption, either as a birthparent or adoptive parent, make sure you do your homework and take advantage of all of the resources out there. The more educated you are about the process, the more you will come to appreciate adoption as a powerful, positive way to build a family.”

More about the National Council For Adoption

Founded in 1980, the National Council For Adoption (NCFA) is an adoption advocacy nonprofit that promotes a positive culture of adoption through education, research, and legislative action. Through its core areas of focus—infant adoption, adoption out of foster care, and intercountry adoption—NCFA serves children, birthparents, adoptive families, adoption agencies, U.S. and foreign governments, policymakers, media, and the general public as the authoritative voice for adoption.

To read more about Mrs. International’s Adoption Story visit

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