Monday 8 November 2010

Capitol File Magazine’s Fifth Anniversary Celebration

To quote their website, Capitol File Magazine is a big beautiful glossy magazine “that chronicles and celebrates the most influential players, cultural connoisseurs, fashion sophisticates and philanthropic leaders in the Washington, DC metropolitan region”.

On October 20th, I attended Capitol File Magazine's 5th Anniversary Celebration at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in DC. I started primping early for the evening of glamour, fashion, and networking with some the most fabulous people in our nation's capitol!

As usual, my Dad was with me as my trusted driver and photographer!

The most exciting part of the evening was the host – Tim Gunn! Tim Gunn, of Project Runway and the creative director at Liz Claiborne, hosted the celebration for Capitol File Magazine’s fifth anniversary and also to commemorate his cover issue of the magazine.

Tim Gunn and Jason Binn, Publisher of Capitol File Magazine

As a native Washingtonian, Tim shared his enthusiasm about DC's transition toward becoming a fashion capital.

And of course I had to meet him myself! I was absolutely FLATTERED that he called me a "knockout"!

Tim Gunn was so gracious, and asked me about my title and platform

Not only did I meet Tim Gunn, but I also met and networked with many interesting people including former beauty queens, boutique owners, fashion designers, the president of Ad Agency – who coincidentally happens to be a fellow Terp and had the same advertising professor that I have now at the University of Maryland – and tons of other fabulous, accomplished, and interesting people.

It was a wonderful opportunity to promote the special character and mission of the International pageant system!

Me with Jason Binn, Publisher of Capitol File Magazine

Explaining the International pageant system and my platform to some fellow guests

A fun extra was being mentioned in The Washington Scene section of The Hill newspaper. In an article entitled “Tim Gunn predicts D.C. will be a ‘fashion capital’, they wrote: “Spotted among the guests were “Real Housewives of D.C.” star Mary Amons and Miss Teen International Juliana McKee (a D.C. native), who was hard to miss in her sequined dress and giant tiara.”

I had a great time and can't wait for the opportunity to work more with Capitol File Magazine in the future!

Juliana McKee

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