My Ping in

Tuesday 14 December 2010

365 Days of Happiness

Hey Y’all! December is my FAVORITE month of the year because everyone seems to be in better spirits. Even though people are a little more stressed out than usual, seeing people smiling and singing to the Christmas music playing in all the stores just makes me so happy! I believe that now is a great time to share my “365 Days of Happiness” philosophy with everyone!

It’s something I do on my facebook page, & it’s so simple! I just take a picture everyday of something that has made me happy that day & share it with the world! The idea behind it is that if I actively look for something everyday that makes me happy I will be more aware of my blessings and the little things that make each and every day special. I have passed the 50 Day mark, & let me tell you I just LOVE it! I wake up every day excited to decide what happy thing I will post. I find myself taking pictures of happy things throughout the day, & it really has made my outlook on even the most mundane days (can you say laundry day??) more positive.

With the Christmas season upon us, I think it’s the perfect time for everyone to start their own “365 days of Happy” so that we remember that God blesses us everyday with something to be thankful for! Plus, I love seeing other people starting these albums because I get to see the joyous things in their lives as well!

Have a wonderful & blessed December, and remember the reason for the season! Leave the “Christ” in Christmas!

Ashley Smith

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