Monday 6 December 2010

Cherish the Memories, the Tradition

I love Christmastime! It’s time to celebrate the birth and gift of our Savior, and spend time with family! I have so many wonderful memories of Christmas thanks to my loving parents and grandparents and their amazing gift of “tradition”. I can only hope and pray that I am setting a foundation for Halle-Grace that is rich in tradition.

I wanted to take just a moment to share my memories of Christmas as a child…On Christmas Eve; my parents took my sister and me to Mamaw Parker’s house. The Parker family would gather in the living room after dinner to open presents. I remember so vividly Mamaw’s white Christmas tree. I LOVED her Christmas tree…No one else had a white Christmas tree. I remember the sound of my Uncle Danny’s voice singing Amazing Grace to the tune of Joy to the World! My grandpa Parker died of a heart attack at the young age of 52, so I never had the chance to meet him, however, his children never let his memory and gifts of tradition die! Papaw Parker was extremely talented. He played all musical instruments by ear and even played in a band. Naturally, music was an important part of Christmas at Mamaw Parkers house. After opening gifts, we would go to church for communion and Mamaw would always come back to our house to spend the night and wait for Santa!

On Christmas morning, I would get up before the chickens to see what Santa had left. First, I would check to see if he ate his cookies and drank his milk. He never cleaned his plate at my house…then it was time to go to Papaw & Mom’s house. Papaw Pete & Mom were my dad’s parents who lived 2 miles away. My grandmother “mom” (everyone called her mom) was 4’11” tall. She was simply adorable! She would stand and cook breakfast for the multitude, and I mean the multitude! Just about everyone in our town would put their families in the car and JUST COME ON OVER! I can remember car loads pulling in around their circular driveway to eat breakfast!

My family taught me the importance of giving to others. I remember my church “adopting” families for Christmas. My daddy would return from the “Christmas delivery” with tears rolling down his cheeks! He would share with me how the children’s faces would literally “light up”. It broke his heart to witness people who didn’t have any family to spend the holidays with nor the money to put food on their table. I was taught at a young age, that Christmas is truly about helping others and I can honestly say that is where I have received the most Joy…helping others! I lost Mom in 1995, Papaw Pete in 2001 and Mamaw Parker joined them in heaven this past April. Even though I miss them so much, I feel incredibly blessed that I had the opportunity to spend so many wonderful years with them and I am forever grateful for the memories and traditions they shared with me!

Being a mother is the MOST wonderful thing, regardless of the time of year! I LOVE seeing Little Miss Magic light up! She loves to dance and she loves to sing. Already this holiday season, we have been blessed with her electrifying performances! She performed with her dance studio the day Santa arrived in town and she was so excited that she started dancing before the music started! After all, it’s about making memories and Halle-Grace has NO problem making things memorable!

Her second performance of the season, she starred in her Thanksgiving play at Pre-School. Well, I should say she “stole the show”. She was hilarious and had the time of her life. She is definitely in her element when she is on stage and she loves every minute in the spotlight. Her expressions are priceless! I just love her to pieces….

And performance #3, well, we didn’t have a chance to attend tonight!  Last week, the sick bug came running through our house. It attacked me first…then Halle-Grace woke up this past Friday not feeling magical in the slightest. After spending half of the day at the children’s clinic on Friday, Jason & I have been taking extra special care of her and hoping the medication and all of the TLC will make the yuck go away. Tonight, she did not get to perform with her "Little Angel" choir at church and we missed a parade or two, however, life happens and even though, I hate she missed her moment on stage, I thank God that Halle-Grace is overall a healthy little girl. We can handle the cold, croup, and all the little yuck that are expected along the way. I think about her first winter in the orphanage and how she remained strong through the colds, flu, and fever. Sadly, babies died due to high fever. They didn’t have adequate supplies of the things we take for granted daily...tylenol and motrin. Her overall health is amazing and I am very thankful for the blessing of Halle-Grace & good health as I reflect on Christmas memories and tradition.

Being “heart healthy” is most definitely an important gift to share. I encourage all of you to share the gift of health this holiday season and to also remember those who are less fortunate. I would love to see each one of you to “adopt” someone this holiday season. It can be someone at a local nursing home who doesn’t have family members. Imagine their faces “lighting up” when they see the Christmas card you made for them to hang in their room. It may be the simple act of kindness you delivered that carries them through the season…

God Bless you all! Merry Christmas!!!

Mrs. International
Shannon Devine

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