Wednesday 27 April 2011

American Heart Association Health Fair

Last week, I was able to work at a booth for the American Heart Association at a Health Fair in Maryland. It was outside on the grounds of a retirement community, & everyone who came by our booth was interested in learning more about being heart healthy or had stories about what made them switch to being heart healthy. There was even a woman there who said, “Well I’ve had 2 heart attacks, I guess a stroke is going to be next so tell me about that!” That really broke my heart because it should not be like that! It shouldn’t be just because you are getting older that you have resigned to the fact that you are going to be unhealthy. I was glad that I was able to share information with these people & encourage them to get their blood pressure checked.

I was actually very in to chatting with these people, not just about the American Heart Association, but also about their grandchildren & great grandchildren and all of those fun things! I was glad to be a bright point in their day! So glad in fact that when I got home I realized that I only took ONE picture! And that was almost right after we got there. So I’m sorry for the lack of pictures in this post. It was not the biggest turn out for a Health Fair, but I know that we touched some lives, & that’s what matters!

Ashley Smith

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