Wednesday 11 May 2011

Mother's Day 2011

BLESSED is the word that sums up Mother's Day 2011!

My feelings/thoughts/reflections on Mother’s Day may be different than most… I think about my journey to becoming a mother and my heart swells with joy and becomes emotionally overwhelming to be completely honest (in a good way). I think about two angels that I will see and hold again and I have peace knowing my journey (joy and pain) was God’s perfect plan.

I honor my Mother who gave me life and so much more. She is a shining example of unselfish love! I honor my step-mom. She is such a blessing to our entire family and I think more than anyone, she understands the concept of “adoption” and can relate to my feelings in many ways. I honor my sister who has been my role model. She is the best mom to her children! She has raised them to be the most polite, well behaved, amazing kids! On Mother’s Day, I also cherish the memories of my grandmothers, there’s no love like the love of a grandmother and God broke the mold when he created Mom Cornwell and Mamaw Parker.

And finally, I think about a brave woman somewhere in the world who gave me the chance to celebrate Mother’s Day. Because, being called Mrs. International is pretty cool, but nothing compares to being called “mommy”. I don’t know her name? I honestly know nothing about her except the MOST important fact! She loved Halle-Grace enough to give her a chance at life. Her act of unselfish love, I can never repay! My prayer is that she has a sense of peace knowing that she gave Halle-Grace the most amazing gift…a chance at life! On this Mother’s Day and every day, my wish is that she could see how much I love and adore her birth child, my daughter.

Little Miss Magic!

Shannon Devine

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