My Ping in

Monday 23 May 2011

Triumph Over Adversity

“Triumph over Adversity” Halle-Grace’s adoption story
reaches others with a message of hope

As Mrs. International, I continue to be overwhelmed and humbled at the unique opportunities presented that allow me to continue sharing my message of hope through our adoption story. After experiencing first hand the emotional and physical difficulties of the adoption process, I have focused my efforts this year on continuing to educate and raising awareness about the adoption journey and help others build their own families through the miracle of adoption.

Recently, a new state of the art hospital was built in the county where I grew up and my parents still call home. “Triumph over Adversity” is a unique project with sole focus on various members in the community who have overcome a form of hardship and are now thriving and inspiring others. The idea for the project was born of the understanding that people in a hospital are often in pain or fear. There is comfort in finding role models who have faced difficulties and overcome their obstacles.

Do you recognize two of the individuals selected?

Photo by Lucy Parker Photography

Halle-Grace’s adoption story was selected to give others hope! Her story is forever on the wall at Lincoln Medical Center to inspire others.

Photo by Lucy Parker Photography

Jason was also selected after completing RAAM (Race Across America) in June of 2007 to raise awareness about the importance of Organ Donation. In September 2007, Jason became a living donor for his friend Scott Thornburg.

Photo by Lucy Parker Photography

CMC-Lincoln Art Advisory Committee entrusted Lucy Parker of Lucy Parker Photography (a great friend of mine) with the Triumph over Adversity project, their decision was based on both the quality of Lucy’s pictures and on the emotional connection that Lucy expressed to the spirit of the project. Lucy’s own life-long fight over her own birth defects gave her unique insight into Triumph over Adversity. Lucy was born premature, with only one lung. At her birth, doctors told her mother she would not live. Lucy not only lived and grew to be a thriving adult, but also fought hard to stretch her limits. Today she runs marathons with one lung and I am honored to call her my friend.

A group photo of the faces and stories that made "Triumph over Adversity" come to life.

Shannon Devine

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