Monday 25 July 2011


For the last three years, I have organized fundraisers for various charities including Erick’s Hope (founded in memory of my 12 year old cousin who passed away three years ago of heart-related problems), the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and the American Heart Association.  In all, I have raised thousands of dollars for these good causes while providing volunteer leadership to their cause.
 Many have asked me what I did to fundraise for the various charities that I support.  So, in this blog, I will share with you a few of the ways I successfully raised money for these worthy causes.   

1.       Direct Appeals

In addition to writing letters to my family, friends and neighbors asking for their support, I also went door to door to local merchants enlisting them to donate to my charities. Don’t be afraid to tell people frankly what you are doing, why you are doing it, and what the cause means to you. Be specific when you ask for their support. The reason most people don’t support a worthy cause is because no one asks them to do so. 

2.       Special Events 

I have also coordinated and held dinners, silent auctions, raffles and even a tug-of-war competition on my college campus in order to benefit my charities. Be sure to keep things as close to zero overhead as possible. Use your family home or a friend’s home for the event. If you have friends who are musically talented, ask them to share that gift to make the event all the more special. Ask one restaurant to donate some entrees and other one to donate drinks and so on. Ask other businesses to donate items for the silent auction. Do you know someone with a beach condo? Ask them if they’ll donate a week to be auctioned off. If you have a title, wear your sash and crown, and use the opportunity to explain to them how the International Pageant System puts an emphasis on a platform of charitable service. Don’t forget to invite these supportive businesspeople to attend your event!  Remember, again, the reason most people don’t get involved in charitable good works like this is no one asks them – be the person who asks them! 

This year, as Miss Teen International, I was challenged with an aggressive fundraising goal from the American Heart Association and am proud to say that I not only met the goal, but exceeded it by twenty percent!!!   

In addition to money, I have volunteered over 250 hours for the American Heart Association and over 375 hours for all of my charities!  If you are going to ask other people to support your cause, you have to show you are going to get into the trenches and “work it” yourself. 

At this time I am working to raise funds for another American Heart Association campaign: The Heart Walk.  I will be walking in early November, and if you find it in your heart to donate to this worthy cause and help my team make its’ goal, please go to my donation page and make a gift: 

The American Heart Association is a truly wonderful organization.  Through my internship there this year I have seen firsthand that the money does get channeled to the cause and very little goes towards overhead. 

Thank you! 

Juliana McKee
Miss Teen International 2010

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