My Ping in

Thursday 4 August 2011

Meet Jurnee Carr - Miss Teen International 2011

“Who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this." –Esther  4:14. Four days ago, my dream came true as I was crowned Miss Teen International 2011. It still feels like I am in a dream! I am beyond blessed to be able to represent the International Pageant system and be a spokesperson for the American Heart Association, along with promoting my platform Jurnee’s Journey: Helping All God’s Creations and The Humane Society of the United States. To kick off my year, here are some fun facts about me!

At the prime age of five, many events impacted my life. Entering kindergarten, being elected homecoming princess, and learning how to properly write sentences were significant in my growth as a student and child. One of the most influential events in my five year old life was joining a basketball league. Even though the ball was bigger than my face, learning how to dribble a basketball was a piece of cake. Since then, I have played various sports such as volleyball, golf, track, football, and of course, basketball. I am a starting varsity guard for my high school’s basketball team.
Daxx, 8, (center) and Jaecee Rae, 6, (right)

My father, James “Junior”, and younger brother, Daxx, are golf pros! I love playing 18 holes with them on Sunday afternoons. My mother, Whitney, and younger sister, Jaecee Rae, chauffer us around on the golf cart. Some of my favorite sports teams are the Tennessee Lady Vols, Atlanta Braves, Tennessee Titans, and the Miami Heat. Sports have helped me not only learn how to work with a team, but how to perform my best and be a leader.
When I’m not dribbling a basketball, I’m reading. I absolutely love to read! Yes, I am a Twilight fan (Team Switzerland) and always will be! The Notebook is another one of my favorites that I have read seven times; it never gets old! If you’re searching for a book to read, I highly recommend The Listener by Terri Blackstock. She is a fabulous author and this book has a message that speaks to us all. In addition to reading, I enjoy researching. Anything that I find interesting or want to learn more about, I research it in depth. One of my favorite things to look up is history. I am a history nerd!! History fascinates me because everything is connected. While history foreshadows the future, some things are just plain strange. For example, Napoleon devised his battle plans in a sandbox and some Ancient Egyptians paid their taxes in honey. Told you it was odd, but to me, it’s quite intriguing! In addition, I enjoy studying the French culture and speaking as much French as possible. I am not completely fluent yet but I am working as hard as possible to get there! J’adore France!
Aside from sports and reading, I enjoy working out, doing as much volunteer work as possible, traveling, collecting, watching movies, babysitting my younger siblings, and pampering my 3lb 11 0z. Chihuahua, Chi-Chi. I drive a darling silver PT Cruiser and am very thankful for it. Shout out to the ones who gave it to me-Mom and Dad! You rock! Speaking of family, I have a total of 18 cousins. Needless to say, holidays are always fun with them! I especially enjoy baking brownies (with nuts) with my Granny Allen and cousins.
Another interesting fact: my name is pretty unique. It is derived from my mother and father’s names. My father goes by Junior and my mother’s name is Whitney. They combined the first part of my dad’s name and last part of my mom’s name to make Jurnee. My middle name is Allena which is my mother’s maiden name with an “a” at the end. Kudos to Mom and Dad for originality!
When I graduate high school, I plan on attending Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA, majoring in Religion and specializing in Youth Ministries. My goal is to obtain a Doctorate in Divinity.
 I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me and what He has planned to accomplish through my reign as Miss Teen International.
Jurnee Carr
Miss Teen International 2011

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