Saturday 24 December 2011

The Twelfth Day of Christmas

On the Twelfth, and final, Day of Christmas PDR gave to Rosemarie G.

The Deborah Anne print by Danielle Rizzolo
Danielle has been a friend of ours for quite some time and we've always been a fan of her work. Today's winner will receive one of our favorite prints, the Deborah Anne (fun fact: this print was also sold at Urban Outfitters)! Danielle is an extremely talented artist and an overall lovely person and New Jersey will certainly miss her when she moves out to Milwaukee this winter. Be sure to check out her Etsy shop and her website to see her other great work. And check out our interview below to learn a little more about her:

Tell us a little about yourself.  

I grew up in NJ and attended the University of the Arts in Philly. I am fascinated with past times, past people and the sea. I currently reside in Asbury Park with my better half.

When did you know you wanted to be an artist? When did you get started?

I've always enjoyed creating for as long as I can remember. I would say junior and senior year of high school really solidified that I wanted to pursue art as a career and attend art school.

 Do you have any materials that you'd say are your favorite to work with?

Oil painting is my medium of choice. I've always just understood it and had a connection to it.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

The past times, my childhood, antiques and the sea.

 Do you have any advice for others that are looking to make a business out of selling their work?

 Stay true to yourself and keep making!

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

 Mint chocolate chip and chocolate peanut butter

Thanks, Danielle!  And congratulations to Rosemarie!

Thank you to all of you who entered our 12 Days of Christmas!  We are so glad to have so many new Facebook friends and hope you'll continue to read Paper Doll Romance.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and we'll see you all again next year!

Jen & Saira

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