My Ping in

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Seeing RED!

February is Heart month! So you know what that means….you’ll be seeing RED!  Throughout the month, the American Heart Association will be in overdrive.    On February 3, you can show your support by wearing red. You can also participate in your local Go Red Luncheon.  
But it doesn’t end there.  The AHA’s Go Red For Women campaign will be hosting numerous events and launching initiatives throughout the entire month in an effort to fight heart disease by increasing awareness.  Various celebrities, public figures and politicians will be lending a hand to promote the Go Red for Women Campaign.    And not to be outdone, International titleholders are sure to be on the scene, telling our stories, encouraging people to live heart healthy lifestyles and learning new ways to better our own heart health.  If you haven’t gotten involved, I encourage you to visit the AHA’s website!

Ciji Dodds
Miss International 2011

Monday 30 January 2012

You Know You Love Me

Happy 100th episode to our favorite guilty pleasure show, Gossip Girl. Tonight's long anticipated episode features the wedding of Blair Waldorf; where our Queen Bee will marry Prince Louis and finally become the princess she's always dreamed about.  But, sneak previews show Blair fleeing with a somewhat panicked look.  Will she go through with it?  We'll have to wait and see.  But, one things for sure, noone does elegant events better than Blair and her wedding is sure to be full of soft and beautiful, super feminine touches.  Here's a few details we found we'd expect to see at a Blair Waldorf Wedding:


Gossip Girl  Jen & Saira

Reading Therapy Dogs

In an effort to help children who are struggling with literacy, many schools and libraries are enlisting the help of some irresistibly cute, furry friends.  Reading Therapy Dogs are being used to provide encouragement and support to children who are struggling with reading.  It’s an innovative concept that brings together children with the unconditional love and loyalty shown by dogs.  So how does it work?  Children read to specially trained dogs.  The dog acts as an unbiased listener who displays his support and encouragement by being a captive audience member.  And of course, a dog displays no criticism or judgment.  This is especially important because it helps to ease the anxiety level of a child who is fearful of reading aloud.
As a result, children gain confidence in their ability to read aloud.   Confidence, which is a key component in literacy success, leads to an overall escalation in the child’s reading ability.  Children who participate in programs show a remarkable increase in literacy skills and resulting in  higher test scores.  Reading therapy dogs are used throughout the country.  If you know of a child who could benefit from a reading therapy dog or if you would like to have your dog trained as a therapy dog, check out a few of the resources listed below!
Ciji Dodds

Miss International 2011

Sunday 29 January 2012

Not Quite My Cup of Tea!

Cheerio! No, not the cereal! Cheerio is another way to say goodbye in England. And I will be saying “Cheerio!” to the states when I travel to none other than-England! That’s right! I am taking my first international trip to England! I love traveling and can’t wait to tour this beautiful country!

This past Friday I went to get my passport. As soon as I got out of my car, the door came back and jarred me right in the middle of the forehead! There was a huge dent in it! By the time I sat down to take my official passport photo, which is good for 10 years, the dent became a knot the size of a quarter! How embarrassing! No makeup could cover that!

Can you see the bump? Because it’s definitely noticeable in the official photo! 

There is still a bruise and my forehead is still a little sore, but nonetheless, England will be a “smashing” good time! 

Jurnee Carr

Saturday 28 January 2012

NASCAR Unites 2012

At NASCAR Acceleration 2012 presented by Sprint event in Charlotte, attendees were able to snag the 2012 edition NASCAR Unites arm band.   This annual program, offers fans and supporters around the world the ability to declare their dedication to helping those in need.  These arm bands are available online and at-track throughout the race season.

NASCAR Unites is an industry initiative led by The NASCAR Foundation that creates an opportunity for NASCAR fans, drivers, teams, tracks, sponsors and more to unite to improve the lives of children across the nation. NASCAR Unites engages the sport in a collaborative effort to support children’s causes through volunteering, fundraising, sharing inspirational stories and unifying to make a difference.  Are you interested in volunteering at a race track?  Email us today at

Janet Bolin

Friday 27 January 2012

Hairstyle Look Book: The Bob

The bob is a classic hairstyle that will never go out of style. Popularized in the 1920s, it was a symbol of female independence and vitality. In more recent memory, it's been brought to the forefront of fashion by Victoria Beckham, and perfect by Katie Holmes (and Suri Cruise!). It can look both youthful and mature, and can be sleek as well as shaggy. While you can definitely work a bob with different hair textures, it's optimal for those with medium to fine straight hair. You can definitely add some waves to a bob, but there's nothing quite as stunning as a shiny sleek bob. One day we will be bold enough to rock this look, until then we will satisfy ourselves with this gallery of babes with bobs.


Jen & Saira

Holocaust Memorial Day

This past July when I had a little bit of down time during the 2011 Miss Teen International pageant in Chicago, I toured the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center. I could have spent an entire day there, learning about this devasting event in history and remembering the victims of this tragedy.

January 27th is Holocaust Memorial Day and International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust. I encourage you to take a moment and pause for these silent victims today. 
Hitler’s “Final Solution” was to kill all German Jews, as well as Gypsies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the mentally and physically disabled, and anyone who resisted Nazi power, in order to restore Germany after the harsh reparations placed on them after World War I.

11 million people suffered but the sympathizing hearts are countless.

Jurnee Carr

Thursday 26 January 2012


If you are a multi-tasker, like myself, you don’t ever find yourself at a loss for ways to help. As many know, the Super Bowl and 2012 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series will start in just a month. This is also the time of year for NASCAR Sprint Media Tour Week where journalists from around the world visit Charlotte, North Carolina for all the big announcements prior to the start of the race season. But, while the world is mesmerized by planning their Super Bowl gatherings, and watch parties for the Daytona 500, please remember February is also National Heart Month.  

As Mrs. International, being a volunteer and advocate for the American Heart Association has been a wonderful opportunity. I am honored to have been selected as the emcee for the Go Red for Women event in NYC for National Wear Red Day on Friday, February 3rd. Countless hours have been invested behind the scenes to make sure this event is a success along with other local market activation.  

I am very appreciative of the support from NASCAR. In the month of February, the NASCAR logo on the NASCAR Plaza building in Uptown Charlotte will be illuminated bright red in support of National Heart Month. Visitors to the NASCAR Plaza and NASCAR Hall of Fame, which is connected to the NASCAR Plaza, will also be able to view the Survivor Gallery in the lobby, cut-out red dress posters and messaging throughout the building and in the elevators.  

I encourage you to contact your local AHA office, or visit their website. There are many ways you can raise awareness for National Wear Red Day on Friday, February 3rd and National Heart Month this February.  

Janet Bolin 

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Resurrection 2012

Over 5,000 teens from all over East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia gathered in Gatlinburg, TN this past weekend for one incredible experience: Resurrection 2012! Resurrection is a Christian youth conference held annually since 1985 to remind teens that they are not alone in their walk with Christ.

Even though the weather was rainy, the clouds didn’t stop us from having an incredible worship experience! Reggie Dabbs was our speaker. He is a foster care child and grew up dealing with suicide. His message to us was that no matter where we come from or what your past is, God has a new path set out for you. Not only was he absolutely hilarious, but he related with well with us. One of my favorite Christian bands performed as well-Leeland! Saturday night they took over the stage and led us in worship. It was such a great experience to sing to our God with such an awesome band.

My friend, Courtney Woolwine, came along with me! I am so thankful that she was able to be there to experience the conference with me!

Over 5,000 people squished together to worship 1 God!

During our free time, the girls in my youth group and I played games and snacked at our cabin. We played a game where one person would be blindfolded and had to apply makeup to her partner’s face! That was definitely a knee slapper!

Resurrection was a moving experience I am very thankful for. The new friendships that were made and fellowships that were shared is definitely something I will never forget. "And the man jumped up, grabbed his mat, and walked out through the stunned onlookers. They were all amazed and praised God, exclaiming, 'We've never seen anything like this before!'" -Mark 2:12

Jurnee Carr

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Color Day: Tangerine Tango

Every year we love to check to see what Pantone's "Color of the Year" is.  Last year was the cheerful and feminine Honeysuckle Pink. This year we are delighted to see Tangerine Tango, a vibrant, edgy, and sexy shade of reddish orange.  We're big on the red/orange color as we think it's fun and energizing and perfect for a Spring or summer wedding or to spice up your wardrobe for the new year! Added bonus to choosing the color orange for your event: it really goes a long way in the lighting department to create a warm, cozy, and romantic glow.

Tangerine Tango Color Inspiration Board

Jen & Saira

Be an Angel-Buy a Bracelet- Save a Life!

Did you know that on average, 3,000 children die everyday from Malaria?  Malaria is an easily treatable and preventable disease.  It is a mosquito borne infectious disease that is transmitted through a single mosquito bite.  With the exception of very rare cases, Malaria has been eliminated in the United States.  However, it still poses a serious risk to people living in sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and certain regions of South America.   
Malaika For Life is dedicated to eradicating Malaria.  Malaika means angel in Swahili, and   through the sale of bracelets, Malaika For Life acts as an angel for thousands of children who are at risk for contacting Malaria.   So how does it work?  The bracelets sold by Malaika For Life are made by women in the Tamiha Women’s Program, which is an organization dedicated to empowering impoverished women in Tanzania.

 $5 from the sale of each bracelet goes towards the purchase and distribution of malaria medication.  $5 may seem like a nominal amount of money.  But, lifesaving malaria medication costs $10, which is a small fortune to those living in the most affected regions.   The remaining    goes towards expenses and wages for the women.  Not only is Malaika For Life leading the fight against malaria, but it is also supporting economic development.     If you have a moment, take a moment to check out this amazing organization.
Ciji Dodds
Miss International 2011

Monday 23 January 2012

New Workouts!

I get bored with the same old workout routine.  I love running, however… there are times when I’m on the treadmill and I can’t help but think “Who the heck am I running from?!?!”   So here are 5 new activities that will add some spice to your workout routine.  As with anything, please consult your physician before taking part in any and all exercises. 

Barre Classes:  When you think of a ballerina’s body, you think of a strong, muscular, yet feminine physique.  I’ve always taken ballet classes for that very reason.  I’ve found them to be a great way to stay toned and in shape.  I’ve recently discovered and fallen in love with barre classes. Barre classes provide me with the best that ballet has to offer.  Using ballet barre exercises, barre classes help you sculpt a dancer’s body.  Some even fuse barre exercises with pilates.  It is an intense and fun way to build strength and muscle. 

Zumba:  The name is enough to get you excited!  Zumba is a high energy latin- dance  inspired exercise program.  One class and you will be hooked!  A lot of people are intimidated by the dance moves, but there is no need to let your inhibitions get the best of you.  Based on my experience, you’re too busy having fun and sweating to worry about messing up!

Indoor Rock Climbing:  I envy those who are brave enough to go outside and climb a magnificent rock.  While I’m sure that it is exhilarating, I am risk averse, and therefore indoor rock climbing is the thing for me.  It’s one of those things that looks easy, but once you’re on the wall, it’s a different story!  It works out muscles that you didn’t even know that you had!

Fitness Boot Camp:  I love a good boot camp!  Fitness boot camps are a form of group exercise that are usually led by a single instructor. Typically, you are taken through a series of exercise circuits.   Boot camps come in many forms, however, I prefer short term boot camps (2 to 4 weeks) as a way of adding intensity or jump starting my workout routine.  In your face instructors and exhausting exercises keep you motivated and on your toes!

Spinning:  Spinning is a great work out!  But I will warn you, as far as workouts go, it is an acquired taste :)  It’s one of those things that I do when I need  swift kick in the rear!  The first spin class that I took, I almost quit half way through!  My pride was the only thing that made me stay.  Either way, if you decide to take a spin class be prepared, go at your own pace and enjoy the ride!

Ciji Dodds

Sunday 22 January 2012

Deeply Yours

Is it nearing the end of January already?! Valentine's Day is approaching which for some means adding an insane amount of red to your wardrobe. Our snarky side hates color coding holidays, but then we go ahead and do it anyway. If you want to be a little festive but not seem over-the-top-weird, then forego the candy red and instead try on a deep, rich red / maroon / burgundy for a more mature and professional look. The rich full color adds drama to any outfit, but is still understated enough to wear in the office. Plus, the deep red hue tends to look good with every skin tone.


Jen & Saira

Take a Stand

Why are there so many issues that we face today? Our government has taken the initiative to intercede on many problems and try to fix them. But why are 50,000 people forced into slavery in the U.S.? Why are 3 million American children abused every year? Why are 6 million animals euthanized every year?  Because it is our duty to be a voice for the silent. It is up to us to create change for those suffering from the statistics.

Gandi addressing a crowd

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” –Mahatma Gandhi. These immortal words will always be treasured, because Gandhi truly lived his life as a selfless act to others. He saw that he himself could change things if he set his heart and mind to it.  His words have also impacted me to fight for what I believe in. It makes me almost sick to think that an animal is injected with a lethal weapon and killed every 6 seconds just because no one will take care of it. I wish there was a magic trick or a word I could say to completely end that madness. Realistically, that can’t happen. But there’s the beauty of it! We were made to stand up for what we believe in. We were made to reach out and help others.

Speaking about my platform, Jurnee’s Journey: Helping All God’s Creations at the 2011 Taking Action for Animals Conference sponsored by The Humane Society of the United States in Washington, D.C.

With the touch of a button or the click of a mouse, we can now have food prepared for us, items shipped to us, and music amusing us. It is so easy to become spoiled from these things. We get caught in our own little world and pay no attention to what’s happening in the world around us. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” –Mahatma Gandhi. Another great quote with an everlasting message. Developing countries have little to no access to technology, let alone food, shelter, and water. These people are crying out for help, and we need to wake up and listen to their calling. 

One of the best ways I have used to get my message out is through pageantry. Wearing the crown is like speaking into an open microphone. The world is your audience and you are in control of how you influence others.

On the floor of the Tennessee House of Representatives after the Speaker of the House announced my Joint Resolution No. 1268. I had the opportunity to address all of the Representatives and thank them. I was touched and honored to receive a standing ovation on my way out.

Everyone has a purpose. So I encourage you to take heart and find something you are passionate about changing. Get the word out through family, friends, and anyone who will listen. Because if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. 

Please join me in my battle against animal cruelty, which includes everything from animal testing to not spay/neutering your pet. Lobby for animals rights in your state:

Jurnee Carr

Saturday 21 January 2012

Teacher's Aid

The best way to celebrate Friday 13th is driving to work to receive a frantic phone call from your mother who has just taken a hard fall, on ice and she “thinks” her wrist is broken.  Fast forward four days later, and she is back to teaching.  She’s a high school art teacher.  She loves her career and embraces all the creativity of every single student who walks into her classroom - for her that was motivation enough to make sure she was there for the start of the new semester.

A quick flight (thank you US Air for upgrading me to first class) and I was back in Ohio, helping her adjust to life with limitations.  Her surgeon gave her permission to go back to teaching, but she’s not able to drive for a couple weeks.  The outpouring of support and help from former students, the teaching staff and co-workers has been overwhelming and heartwarming.  When I return to Charlotte, I know she’ll be in great hands. 

Upon returning to Charlotte, I will be hitting the ground running with the NASCAR Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, NASCAR Acceleration presented by Sprint, the Monster Jam at Time Warner Cable Arena and then celebrating my birthday.    Thank you to all who have sent well wishes.  We are very blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people.
Janet Bolin

Friday 20 January 2012

Shopping at Macy’s

As we round the corner heading into National Heart Month and National Wear Red Day, I stopped by Macy’s to do a little shopping.  Macy's is a proud national sponsor of Go Red For Women.  Since 2004, Macy's customers and employees have contributed more than $24 million to the Go Red For Women movement.

You can shop for Go Red items that help benefit the American Heart Association's Go Red For Women movement, including the Wear Red Dress created for I•N•C International Concepts by Project Runway season 6 winner, Irina Shabayeva.  This and other items are available online and at select Macy's stores during the month of February.

To learn more about Go Red For Women, or to make a donation today, please click here.  Thank you in advance for your generous support.

Janet Bolin

Thursday 19 January 2012

Real Wedding: Lauren and Gil (Part 2 of 2)

Ready for more Lauren and Gil?!  Check out some of there cute, personalized details! Lauren's handmade dress featured lace from her mother's wedding gown, their friend (and groomsman), Carl, performed for the guests during cocktail hour, they had a photo board featuring photos of them and all of the guests at the wedding, and the basket of flip flops was a serious life saver.  Also, the ice cream wedding cake and sweet little cupcakes were fantastic!  And, we particularly loved their guest book!  It was a beautiful and creative idea that now, instead of sitting on a shelf or in a box, can be displayed as a sentimental piece of art. Plus, it went right along with their fingerprint motif (which we helped to inspire!). And, speaking of fingers, did you see the rings?  Lauren and Gil try their best to live an eco-friendly lifestyle so, naturally, their rings are from Brilliant Earth.  Here are some of our favorites:

And, some words from the bride:

What was your wedding "theme" / inspiration? Gil and I are simple, sentimental, and we love the beach. We wanted an understated beachy theme, keeping things as simple as possible, and making sure to add in special, personal touches along the way. For example, my dress was handmade using lace from my mom's dress, I had tile pictures of my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents attached to my bouquet, we made two large photo collages on fishnets with a picture of every single guest at our wedding, etc.

 What was the most important thing for you when planning your wedding? The most important thing for us was to try to incorporate as many personal touches to the day as possible, to try to make it meaningful to us and our guests and try to avoid the "factory" type wedding as much as we could. Due to certain restrictions, we couldn't have the reception under a tent like we wanted, but we were able to have it at a semi-casual venue on the water!

What made you decide on your gorgeous (and handmade) dress? I didn't want to spend a ton of money on a dress, and the one I had my eye on was too much. Visiting a few dress shops for ideas just turned me off to the idea even more. Plus, I had the idea to use the lace from my mom's dress on mine, so handmade was the way to go! I had met a great tailor who used to own a bridal shop, and the rest was history...I ended up with a great fitting, very meaningful dress that was custom yet similar to the one I had in mind all along, and was able to pay tribute to my mom and my parent's marriage in the process!

What was your first dance to? We chose Jack Johnson's "Better Together" Hawaiian version. Jack has had a hand in our relationship from the was only fitting.

What was the most memorable moment for you? I remember what Gil's face looked like when I was walking down the aisle, my dad humming to keep from crying during our father/daughter dance, the bus ride with our wedding party to the reception, my mom dancing like crazy to the Black Eyed Peas. I tried to soak in as much as possible, but the day goes by so fast!

Anything else? I think one of the best things we did was host a brunch the morning after the wedding. It was really great to see most of our guests again and discuss the day! I had a chance to sit down with people I didn't really get to spend enough time with at the wedding, and I really appreciate having that opportunity! I recommend it to any future brides :)

Photographers: Matt Catalano and Erik Fawcett
Wedding Dress: Shirley Gilinsky (handmade and amazing)
Bridesmaid Dresses: Bill Levkoff
Suits: Calvin Klein
Venue/Food: Martell's Waters Edge, Bayville NJ (great people to work with, beautiful venue and views, and the chef was super accommodating to dietary restrictions)
DJ: The Pros
Flowers: O'Briens, Point Pleasant NJ
Hotel/Brunch: Holiday Inn, Toms River
Rings: Brilliant Earth
Hair/Makeup: Salon Du Monde

Special thanks to Lauren and Gil for allow us to share their special day with you.  Best wishes to them for a very happy marriage!

Jen & Saira

BET Honors Celebrity Gifting Suite

This past weekend I was invited to attend the BET Honors Celebrity Gifting Suite.   As a VIP attendee I was given swag bag full of products and goodies!  It was an incredible experience.  Check out a few of the pictures below.

Arrival and posing for pictures in front of the step and repeat.

After I arrived I was immediately given a swag bag, filled to the brim with all sorts of free products.  

A fun evening would not be complete without silly photo booth pictures! I chose the crown as prop…

Here I am chatting with a representative from the  The Lollipop Chef specializes in cake pops!  If you haven’t had one before, they are spectactular!!

Customizable shoes were on display and they were amazing!! I fell in love with a pink pair!

More sweets, courtesy of tammicakes!

Wearing my Malaika For Life bracelet.  Malaika For Life is an international non-profit that is leading the fight against Malaria.  Proceeds from the sale of each bracelet goes to eradicating Malaria. 

I got to meet the co-host of 106th and Park, Rocsi. She was very sweet!
Ciji Dodds
Miss International 2011