Tuesday 22 May 2012

Miss International Leaves Her Bookprint in Haiti - Part 2

A Billboard that I was featured on throughout Port au Prince!

It was soon time to leave Cap-Haitien. We said our goodbyes and returned to Port au Prince. My mission was not complete as there was still another orphanage that I needed to visit. Encouraged by my first visit, I was excited for this one. However, I was unprepared for what awaited me. When we arrived at our destination, I immediately noticed a difference. Being in the capital and largest city, this orphanage’s resources were stretched particularly thin. After asking a few questions to figure out how they operated, I learned that the government doesn’t provide any funding for orphanages. Orphanages are entirely dependent upon donations. 

Sobered by reality, yet emboldened by my mission, me and my pink suitcase were ready. We went through the gate and were greeted once again by smiling inquisitive faces. To have so little and yet be so grateful is truly amazing. We started off by asking one of the girls to read the Three Little Pigs to everyone. She was excited to be the center of attention! Then I shared one of my favorites!

The school supplies were given to the teachers for use throughout the year. Each child received one age appropriate book. The remainder of the books were given to the teachers to establish a library. The idea being that once a child gets tired of their book, they can trade it in for a different one. My hope is that this small library, which I am committed to adding to each year, will encourage them to keep reading and will improve their literacy skills.
The path leading to the orphanage

The Magic Pink Luggage!

The children circled up for story time

The best rendition of The Three Little Pigs that I have ever heard!

Sharing my favorite children’s books!  Apparently Green Eggs and Ham is global,  as soon as I took it out, all of the adults said it was their favorite too!

Sharing my favorite children’s books!  Apparently Green Eggs and Ham is global,  as soon as I took it out, all of the adults said it was their favorite too!

This was indeed the trip of a lifetime!!

Ciji Dodds
Miss International 2011

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