Wednesday 18 July 2012

10 Years of Teens

Wow, what an honor it was to be crowned the 10th Miss Teen International! As we head into nationals, I would like to showcase the accomplishments of former Miss Teen Internationals!

Our FIRST Miss Teen International in 2002: Paige Richardson

Throughout her reign, Paige set the stage for and spread awareness of the International Pageant system to teens across the country, while promoting her platform-Resisting Peer Pressure. Her advice for girls competing for an International title: “Stay true to yourself throughout this process and be kind to everyone you meet - open yourself up. You have the ability to walk away from this experience with not only wonderful memories, but friendships that will last a lifetime!” She has been living in NYC for almost 4 years and is a Senior Buyer for Macy’s. When she’s not in Manhattan she is usually traveling down to Virginia to visit her family. She says that her future plans are up to God- but the world is her oyster.

Miss Teen International 2003 – Bailey Mills

A recent graduate from Francis Marion University with a BA in Mass Communications and a track of Public Relations, Bailey plans to pursue her career in medical equipment/ pharmaceutical sales within the next month. As our 2nd Miss Teen International, Bailey shared her story through her platform, "A Sound Vision". At three years old, she was diagnosed with a 20% high frequency hearing loss in both ears. Fighting back, she made appearances at several deaf conferences, schools, and community events, encouraging people to communicate with the deaf and hard of hearing. She says, “Something as simple as learning how to sign the alphabet can truly make a difference in the life of someone who is deaf/ hard of hearing. Being able to travel the United States and help people who are just like me is something that I will be forever grateful for.”

One of her most treasured appearances was a trip to McCall, Idaho where she raised $5,000 for the deaf and the blind through a polar bear jump with the local fire department. Her advice for future contestants comes from 1 Corinthians 9:24-25; “Take advantage of the many opportunities that come your way, and get ready for one of the best weeks of your life!” After starting her career, she plans to live out her biggest dream of getting married, and being the best wife and mom that she can be.

Miss Teen International 2004 – Britany Martindale (Belczak)

While promoting her platform-Serving Senior Citizens: Bridging the Generation Gap, she successfully juggled her senior year of high school, traveling for appearances, volunteering, submitting college applications, and maintaining relationships with family and friends! Since June 2009, Britany has worked for The Columbus Dispatch in Advertising Sales. She was named one of the Top 10 Sales Reps for 2010 and 2011! As a hobby, she does commercial modeling. She also volunteers for local elementary, middle school and high school programs at church. Britany and her husband, Nick have been married for almost 3 years, along with a dog and is thinking of adding babies in the next 2-3 years. They have recently returned from trips to Costa Rica, Germany, Austria and France and want to travel more before growing their family. Her advice for onstage interview: “Listen carefully to the question and answer it. Then, elaborate. Don't give us your pre-planned platform commercial because it may not answer the question. Speak from your heart!”

Miss Teen International 2007 – Allie DeSantis

Allie’s biggest accomplishment during her reign was traveling to Japan to participate in the 2008 Olympic torch running ceremonies in Tokyo. She spent a week there doing press interviews, touring, eating delicious food, and even got to speak in a fashion show wearing a custom dress made just for her that is now in a Tokyo museum! Allie’s platform-Josh Cares is an organization that provides care for children who are often alone during a prolonged hospital stay. She went through specialty training and got to spend time with the kids, play games, watch movies, and make them laugh. She says that what a child needs most is the undivided attention of someone who makes them feel special.

Her advice for contestants: “Bring blister band-aids, get to know as many girls as possible and always remember to thank the staff. Even if I didn't have the experience of being Miss Teen International, competing would have still been 110% worth it because of the girls I met. But most importantly remember why you're there, never get caught up, and never stop being thankful. Take moments to really absorb your experience and be appreciative!” She recently graduated from Miami University and landed a job with Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL. She will begin working this August for her favorite company in the world. Her future plans are to hang out with Mickey for a while at Disney and attend law school.

Jurnee Carr

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