Monday 2 July 2012

The 4th Annual Dale E. Knack Memorial Golf Tournament

“No, he didn't fight in a war, or save 15 kids from a burning building, or even arrest the bad guy. He came home from work every day and kissed his wife, switched his work shifts around to attend all of his kids sporting events, and worked tirelessly on the house and yard.  See, the real heroes aren't the ones you see on TV and in the movies, they are the guys who live life to the fullest.  Guys, who live every day of their lives like it is their last - even when that term isn't even a blip on the radar. They are the ones who give back to the community, cherish the moments spent with family and friends, and can laugh or a good story or joke and a cold beer.”

These are the words of my friend, Barry Knack.  Barry, younger brother to Tyler, honors his father’s memory by hosting a golf tournament at St. Albans Golf Club, in Alexandria, Ohio, in memory of his father.  Proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society Relay for Life.  This event is a wonderful opportunity to bring together all who knew Dale Knack.  For me, this was a great way to help our friends.

My memories of the Knack family are precious.  We were always close with the Knack family, especially when we lost my father.  Barry’s mother, Luanne, was a school teacher with my mother at Licking Valley High School.  Growing up, after school hours and weekends were filled with helping the theatre department by painting sets, hanging curtains and helping choreograph musicals – we did all of this as a family. 

Tyler, now married with four beautiful children, serves as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force.  Barry is engaged and looking forward to his wedding this October.  Being able to reconnect at the golf tournament was like picking up where we left off before all of us graduated from high school.  Each of us has taken a different path, but we will always remember the positive impact Dale Knack made in our lives.

The Knack and Risner families.

The three teaching amigos and me - Luanne (Barry and Tyler's mom), Cheryl (my mom), Me and Kathy.

Me, with Danielle (future Mrs. Barry Knack) and the event organizer, Barry Knack.

Me and my mom - the extended-arm photo.

Me and my mom - a better photo taken by Danielle.

My artistically beautiful mother doing what she does best!

Janet Bolin

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