Sunday 9 September 2012

A Note to International Contestants

It is hard to believe that it is once again time to start preparing for the 2013 International state preliminary pageants! For those of you that have already been crowned, CONGRATULATIONS! We are so honored to have you as part of our family.

If you are considering competing in the International system: I cannot praise this system highly enough! I had the most amazing experience both in Chicago and as a state queen. Although only one young lady will walk away with the crown next year, every single contestant will have grown stronger in their beliefs and as a person. I have made friends that I know will last me a lifetime! Competing in the International system is one of the best decisions I have ever made and was so well-worth it!

If you are preparing to compete in your local preliminary pageant: BREATHE! I know from experience how nervous and excited you must be! Remember that preparation is the key to success. God has a plan for your life, and no crown will ever justify the beauty He sees in you! Speak from your heart, always be yourself, and make LOTS of memories!

If you have already been crowned as a state, country, or regional title holder: Congratulations! You are in for the ride of a lifetime! I cannot stress enough the importance of sponsors. It is very easy to become overwhelmed with finances. I promise that once you tell people about your platform and all that you are doing to better the lives of others, they will jump at the opportunity to help you succeed.

Remember, WE ARE A FAMILY. I, along with my sister queens and the entire staff, are here to help you in any way that you can. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me on Facebook, Twitter (@caroline_c13), or e-mail me at Oh, and by the way, WELCOME TO THE CLASS OF 2013.

All my love,

Caroline Crowley

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