Friday 19 October 2012

Board of Education Meeting

This week I was recognized by the Houston County Board of Education at their monthly meeting as an “Outstanding Student” of our school system for my accomplishments at the Miss Teen International pageant. I had the opportunity to share information about my platform with our superintendent and school board members.  I am forever indebted to the Houston County Board of Education because they are the very reason that I became involved with helping children with special needs.

My mom began teaching children with Autism when I was a toddler. When I did not have school, our principal would allow me to come into her classroom and play with her students. She taught me that no matter what our differences, we are all put on this Earth for a special purpose and God created each person for a very special reason. Throughout my years as a student in the Houston County school system, our board members have embraced every opportunity for students to serve others.

Through clubs such as Junior Civitan, high school students in our school system are allowed to go on field trips with our “Victory Class,” which includes children with both physical and mental handicaps. We are assigned a buddy when school begins, and we remain with that student throughout the remainder of the year. We attend the annual Fishing with Angels Day, Special Citizens Day at our local fair, Special Olympics, bowling field trips, and we host parties for the class on special occasions and holidays. My school system has played a major role in helping me develop into the young lady that I am today and showing students that the most important characteristic to have is a servant’s heart. I am forever grateful!

Posing in Mr. Pitchford’s chair…I’m sure he wouldn’t mind trading places with me for the day!
Being silly, as always, with my little brother, Grayson.
Our superintendent, Mr. Tim Pitchford

My principal, Mr. Odom, said he thought I should wear my crown to school every day. I definitely would not mind!

Caroline Crowley

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