Tuesday 23 October 2012

Rock the Beat

Football season is by far my favorite time of the school year! Not only is it a great way to spend a Friday night, but it is also a great way to get your community and student body involved in a great cause. This year, the American Heart Association has challenged high schools across the nation to participate in their campaign, “Rock the Beat”. Along with other teachers and students, I have helped organize a “Red Out” football game to raise money for this very important cause. I encourage you all to organize events at your school and become involved in the “Rock the Beat” campaign. We decided to organize our plan to raise money by assigning different fundraisers to various student organizations. Listed below are a few of Ashford High School’s ideas to help you begin.

The first step is to decide what your school’s monetary goal will be. Together, we decided on the amount of $3,000.00. The American Heart Association provides “Rock the Beat” t-shirts for students to sell. A huge portion of our goal is being achieved by selling the shirts for $10.00 per shirt.

Cheerleaders, football players, volleyball players, and band members: Wear red ribbons to the “Red Out” game, any fan wearing their “Rock the Beat” t-shirt to the game on Friday will receive admission for half price

Senior Science Club: sell 100 “Rock the Beat” t-shirts

Junior Civitan: host a bake sale during break

Key Club: sell red balloons to release at the “Red Out” game

Senior Beta Club: sell hearts for the “HeartLine Wall” at the “Red Out” game (fans will be able to purchase a heart in honor or in memory of a loved with that has battled a heart disease)

Our principals have even agreed to dye their hair red if we reach our goal of $3,000.00! All proceeds will go to the American Heart Association.

The first ten queens that e-mail a photo of them involving their school in the “Rock the Beat” campaign or any American Heart Association fundraiser will receive a rhinestone red dress logo pin for their banner and will be featured on one of my blog posts! Please send your photo(s) to missteeninternational2012@gmail.com. I look forward to seeing your photos!

Hearts and Hugs,

Caroline Crowley

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