Friday 12 October 2012

Tonka Times

To the Dakotah Sioux Indians, the word “Tonka” means; big or great. If you are familiar with the Twin Cities area, you would most likely know that one of our most treasured lakes, which covers more than 14,500 acres, is called Lake Minnetonka. To the Sioux, this meant “water-big.” The shores of this lake have been home to many of Minnesota’s elite for decades; like the Pillsburys, Daytons, and Burnetts. Though I have never lived on this lake, it is a special place for me personally inclusive of vivid memories of learning to water ski on this gorgeous body of water.

This also happens to be the name sake of the locally founded Tonka Toys, which happens to be near and dear to my husband’s heart. Also, the first time Joe and I held our Maltese puppy in our hands, we agreed he needed a tough name for such a little guy, therefore, as we drove to a birthday party near Lake Minnetonka that evening and turned onto Tonkawood Lane the name reached Joe in an epiphany…Tonka!

All this leads me to the topic of today’s blog…the Tonka Times and a very special lady named Michelle Koch, who took the time to write a touching article that brought me to tears, which is the feature story of the current edition of this wonderful community publication. Besides the pageant photos supplied to Michelle, she decided to include a couple photos taken just inside and outside our home, as well as, the last church directory photo taken of me with my parents the year before my father passed away.

If you would like to read the article, you can find it here:

With love and appreciation,

Sarah Bazey
Mrs. International 2012

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