Thursday 27 December 2012

HGH Birthday

For those of you that have closely followed my blog, you may remember Hannah Grace Harrison, the inspiration for one of my favorite charities, Hannah’s Gifts of Hope. Hannah Grace passed away from childhood cancer at a young age. To celebrate what would have been her 7th birthday, a large group of Hannah’s Gifts of Hope volunteers threw a huge birthday bash on the oncology floor of Children’s Hospital of Alabama in her honor. The oncology floor is in the new Children’s Hospital building. Every inch of the colorful hospital was covered in Christmas decorations!

During the birthday party, we made Christmas crafts and ate cupcakes with the patients. The biggest surprise of all came in the form of a mini toy store! Hannah Grace’s parents brought gifts for every child and sibling on the oncology floor. We covered the lobby floor with every kind of toy imaginable in hopes of brightening the day of the patients and their family. Thanks to our wonderful supporters, every child was able to choose three of their favorite toys. So many toys were donated that we were able to leave hundreds in the activity room for future patients to enjoy during their treatments.

Unfortunately, due to patient confidentiality rules, we were unable to take photos inside the oncology ward. However, I assure you that every child we met had the time of their life! I met some of the strongest, most amazing children during my visit to Children’s Hospital.

My mom and I were preparing to leave when a lady asked if I would mind going to the Cardiac Floor and meeting her granddaughter, Victoria. Victoria is 12 years old. She was experiencing fatigue and dizziness and began passing out frequently at school. Extensive tests revealed that her heart was functioning at about 10%. She is currently waiting to receive a heart transplant. Please keep Victoria and her family in your prayers!

All my love,

Caroline Crowley

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