Tuesday 4 December 2012

Phoenix Society Board Retreat in Chicago

In a previous blog posted back in September, I wrote about my personal views of the importance and responsibility of serving on a board of directors. This post is going to take those views a step further and highlight the value of a board retreat.

The weekend before Thanksgiving, I flew into Chicago for a Phoenix Society Board Retreat, which we have done every year around the same time and in various parts of the country. The reason for such a meeting is to give directors the ability to focus on an organization with a deeper and more thoughtful contemplation. Sometimes it is simply difficult to accomplish the leadership responsibilities of a board within an hour or two structured meeting. This is the opportunity to brainstorm and consider strategy or changes in strategy, as well as, any other topic deemed important and timely to the organization.

Directors usually travel to a location that is neutral, central if possible, and will have minimal distractions. Agenda and document preparation is important, and the more prepared everyone is when they arrive, the better the outcome. It is also imperative, in my humble opinion, that the attendees find the time to enjoy themselves and develop as a cohesive group outside the meeting space, with a nice dinner, an activity, or some other fun event. We usually host a dinner with the directors and as many staff or management as possible, which has helped to build a very nice working relationship.

This may be quite elementary information to many of you, but unfamiliar to others…and I would challenge anyone interested in participating in a charitable or community organization to view the responsibility as an honor. If you are passionate about the cause; the time you spend, the energy you give, and the financial commitment you make to the best of your financial ability will come back to you in spades!

Best wishes to all,

Sarah Bazey
Mrs. International 2012

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