Tuesday 22 January 2013

Tamara Ecclestone house

Tamara Ecclestone


Relaxing in a bathrobe with her beloved chihuahua Duke on her lap, Tamara Ecclestone is showing few signs of the jetlag that caused her to wake before dawn. "I'm just so happy to be here," the 28-year-old Tamara Ecclestone says of her new home, a palatial nine-bedroom, 12-bathroom estate in the exclusive Bel Air enclave of Los Angeles.

The Tamara Ecclestone house boasts more than 19,000sq fi of living space and includes a bar, games room, gym and private cinema, as well as expansive gardens and commanding views over the celebrity haunt that is the Bel-Air Country Club. 

It's clear that the Formula 1 heiress already feels at home. "The sun is shining, my sister is close
by... I just feel as though 2013 is going to be the best year ever," Tamara Ecclestone says, stepping over a pair of diamante-encrusted designer shoes that will soon be housed in one of the mansion's many pieces de Tamara Ecclestone house resistance: the walk-in wardrobes that will accommodate Tamara's extensive collection of clothes once it's been brought over from the UK.

As Tamara Ecclestone house shows HELLO! around her stunning new abode, Tamara seems the picture of contentment. Tamara Ecclestone has certainly come a long way since her dramatic July break-up with businessman Omar Khyami — they split after she learned he had been unfaithful.

"That was one of the most difficult things I've ever been through," Tamara Ecclestone reflects. "But everything happens for a reason, even if you can't see it when you're dealing with the heartbreak."

Now happily single, Tamara Ecclestone is focused on her budding career as an entrepreneur and is also looking forward to being handed the keys to her spectacular new £45million West London home, which has undergone a two-year, £18 million refurbishment.

She is also "beyond excited" about becoming an auntie when her 24-year-old sister Petra Ecclestone gives birth to her first child later this year.

In an exclusive interview, Tamara Ecclestone reveals all about her move to LA, her property plans back home, her TV ambitions, getting back in the dating scene and why she's on the lookout for a mummy's bow..

Tamara, this house is beautiful. What made you decide to get a place in Los Angeles?
"I've loved spending time here over the past few months - being with my sister and enjoying the lilestyle. And now, with my haircare products launching in the US, I have a real reason to be here.''

Your sister Petra is expecting her first baby, was that an added incentive to move?
"Petra hasn't publicly spoken about her pregnancy, so I don't want to be the one to say the wrong thing. We are so close, though, and it's such a special time - I know I'll never be able to get this time back. I can't wait to be an auntie and I'll be around for her as much as I can."

Can you see LA becoming your permanent base, as it is for Petra?
"London is home to me. I love spending time here and there's a purpose to it now, but London will
remain my base. I will dip in and out of New York for meetings when I need to, but split my time between Britain and LA. It's funny because I have no ties to London in terms of a relationship now, so it's nice to kind of be able to do what I want, when I want. I've never really had that before, soil feels very liberating."

Why don't you just stay in a hotel when you're travelling so much?
"I'm a Cancerian and I'm very homely - I need to have my things around me. When I'm spending a
long time somewhere, I want to bring my dogs and to have people over when I want - it's much easier to do that in a house than a hotel. I also think it's harder to get a sense of living in a different city if you're just holed up in a hotel room." 

You must have had your pick of houses. What drew you to this Tamara Ecclestone house?
"I'd looked at lots of homes, but when I walked in here the energy felt really good and I loved it
immediately, before I'd even walked down the corridor. It's kind of like when you meet a person and you feel an instant connection."

Which room do you like most?
"I love my bedroom - it leads out into the garden and the light is just perfect To wake up and to actually see sun is quite something. Even if it's cold, I don't care... the sky is still blue in LA and you can't help but be in a good mood."

The dressing room is quite something in Tamara Ecclestone house...
"Yes, it's conveniently large. I also love the kitchen and the fact it has an adjoining dining room. When I was growing up, mum would always be cooking while Petra and I would eat near her - it was really cosy. I'm not much of a cook Inn this kitchen is tempting me to improve my skills."

You and Petra are very close to your mum. Will she be spending more time in LA now?
"Yes. definitely. If Petra and I are not in London, Mum won't be there either. She flew to LA a few months ago and we all had really nice girlie times together."

You've decided to rent this property before you commit to buying. Why is that?
"I haven't spent long enough in LA to get to know the neighborhoods and they're all so different:
Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Malibu... I wanted to lease somewhere with an option to buy if I love it. If
I don't love it, I'll find another home over here."

It was reported that you were looking at the Fleur De Lys mansion in Bel Air, the second most expensive property in the States, after Petra's $85 million[£53m] Holmby Hills home...
"I never even looked at that house. I was sent details for so many homes, including that one, but I never actually went to see it. 

"It's not really my style - too old fashioned. I think I would feel as though 1 was 96 years old if I lived there."

There are rumours that you're filming a reality show about your move to the States...
"It's something that hasn't been confirmed one way or another. It's such a big step, such a big
decision. I want to be 100 per cent sure before I do it, so it's an ongoing conversation."

You weren't entirely happy with your last show, Billion $$ Girl...
"It wasn't a disaster, but I think if I do something else like that, I'd want more input. Also, I'm in a
different place in my life right now, so the show would have to reflect that"

The last time we spoke you were getting ready to move into your London property...
"It's still not finished, but it will be imminently. Tilings are always delayed on building projects. I'm
very excited about it though: it's a new beginning. It's like January marks a whole new start for me,
so it will be nice to move out of the old home. I've lived there for six years, so will begin afresh
somewhere else."

The renovations have certainly been extensive...
"They have. We dug down two levels and everything is completely brand new. I've been very involved with it because it was such a big project. My current Tamara Ecclestone house was ready to move into, so this is the first time I've been completely hands on and been able to say, 'Oh no, I don't want that there.'"

Was it difficult to have a vision for such a huge project of Tamara Ecclestone house?
"I'm quite decisive and I definitely knew what I wanted. A lot of people think the decor is quite masculine, as it's dark, but I quite like the feel of it. I think that dark colors are warmer and
more homely."

It is a very large property - more than 55,000 sq ft of Tamara Ecclestone house...
"Yes and I'm most excited about the fact that there is so much entertaining space. I love to be
social and to have people over for dinner and drinks and not have to go out."

Neutral tones prevail in the master bedroom, which feels all the brighter thanks to the wall of French windows. "I love my bedroom," says Tamara Ecclestone. "It leads out into the garden
and the light is just perfect."

There have been reports of some quite extravagant elements, such as the £1 million crystal bath in Tamara Ecclestone house...
"I think that a lot of what has been said about the house is untrue. It's definitely a big house and it's
hopefully somewhere I'll have forever. I wanted it to be my dream home and I would definitely like it to be my family home when I settle down and have kids. That's kind of the thought behind it.

"The best feature for me would probably be my bedroom - have you noticed that I really love
bedrooms? I like my dressing area, too. It's a whole 'Hers' section, which is very nice. I've got a salon station to do my hair and make-up - it's really nice to have all of that.

"The thing I'm most excited about, though, is moving into a new house that I can make new memories in and close the door on the past."

The last time we spoke you were going through a painful and public break-up with Omar. Have you spoken to him since then?
"No. That's a chapter in my life that's well and truly closed. It was definitely one of the hardest experiences I've ever been through, but I'm very glad that I've finally put it behind me."

How do you feel about the situation and being single now?
"I've never felt better. Everything happens for a reason and it's really hard to see that when you're going through something so painful. Everyone's telling you, but you can't see a possible reason why this should happen to you. Now I feel like the best is yet to come. It's corny, I know, but I really believe that."

Have you started dating again?
"No. This is the longest period of my life that I've been single. I always thought I didn't want to be by myself and I wasn't sure if I could do it, but I'm the happiest I've ever been.
"It's really nice to be able to be comfortable with your own company and I've been spending much more time with friends and family than I usually would as part of a couple. I've been able to really focus on work and I feel like I've really been living life to the fullest.
"It's very nice to be single for a while. I've always been in long-term relationships so I guess I'm doing the young, free and single bit now."

There must be no shortage of Tamara Ecclestone suitors...
"[Laughs] For a while I didn't feel ready, but now I do and I'm open to it, but I haven't met anyone I want to date. I'm not really looking, so if it happens, it happens."

Is it good to take time to reflect after a painful break-up?

"I think you can rush into a rebound relationship and it becomes ugly and complicated because you haven't truly had closure.
"I think that I've actually dealt with the break-up and been able to move on properly by myself, which is much healthier."

Have you adjusted your expectations of men in the light of what you went through with Omar?
"Without trust, you have nothing: trust is so important to me. I also need someone who can make me laugh - if you can't laugh together, what are you going to do in 30 years or however long it takes for the romance to fade?
"After what happened with Omar, more than ever I need someone with ambition and motivation, who has a drive to get up in the morning. He'd have to be funny and fun, someone I can just be with and do simple things with. Oh, and he has to love his mum. That's key: if he can't love his mother, how can he love anyone else?"

Is there anyone high profile who you'd consider dating?
"Hmm, that's a hard one to answer. I've never really gone on looks and I have to get to know someone before I can decide whether I like them. It's hard to tell just by looking at a photo."

Has seeing Petra pregnant made you broody?
"No. Petra Ecclestone is the happiest she's ever been. She and her husband James are so good together; they give me hope that that's out there for me. But at the same time it's not what I'm ready for in my life tight now."

You said that, post-split, you have a healthier body image...
"Yes, it sounds crazy, but it's because I'm happier now; whether I weigh 2lb more or 21b less isn't so important to me. I think sometimes when you're unhappy, you obsess more over things like your weight: I know that when I'm particularly skinny, I'm not at my happiest. I'm going to the gym now' and I'm actually enjoying it — who knew that was possible?
"I'm also eating healthily, but if one here, so I'm getting sucked into it, too. Nobody here really drinks a lot, either - they'll offer you a wheat grass shot instead of a vodka one."

How did you spend New Year's Eve?
"Petra Ecclestone was in London and we went to Annabel's [private members' club] and had dinner with Mum and some friends and family.
"New Year's Eve is always a bit of a disappointment, so being around people I love and care about made it enjoyable. I think New Year's should be spent how you mean to go on and being around my family is very important to me."

That's a pretty subdued way to welcome 2013...
"It was, but some friends and I flew to Las Vegas a few days afterwards and definitely made up for it."

You say your new Tamara Ecclestone hair care line will be available soon...
"We had the press launch in New York a few weeks ago and it went really, really well. The range will be launching in high-end stores in the UK and USA simultaneously in the very near future. I've worked so hard on this collection and I really hope it's a success. If that does well, then I could potentially expand into beauty and skincare. This is the first product that I'm putting out, so it
has to be right and it has to he representative of me, Tamara Ecclestone.
"I've been impatient, as it's taken so long to get everything to this point, but I feel like it's finally all coming together. It's very exciting."

Any other projects in the pipeline?
"There's my ongoing relationship with Great Ormond Street Hospital. I also have a website, tamaragivesback.com, where I auction off some of my clothes for charity, and that's going
really well."

Did you make a New Year's resolution?
"I guess my resolutions are really to live life to the max and to have no regrets.
"I want 2013 to be the best year ever. I want to spend lots of time with my family and friends and I want my new business to do really well, too. This is the year of focus."   


Tamara Ecclestone house

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