My Ping in

Thursday 7 February 2013

Back in Alabama!

Getting to go see Clay Spann and Joey Ruthaford the first time was amazing, but getting to go see them twice?! I think I just might be the luckiest girl in the world. I had literally been counting the days until this trip to Dothan Alabama. One, because I knew I would get to work with Clay and Joey and take more incredible pictures that I would never have a chance to do if it wasn’t for my title, and two, because I was meeting up with my sponsors Thomas and Drew from Stand Out Salon to get my extensions put it! Yay! I don’t think I can type into a keyboard how excited I was about getting hair. Caroline shared in my excitement and said,” Mama, I’m gunna look like a mermaid!!!!”

Thomas and Drew from Stand Out Salon were so much fun. They constantly had me laughing, poking fun at our northern and southern differences. The hair extensions they sponsored were beautiful, high quality, and professionally fused into my hair. This service plus the hair is worth thousands of dollars and I am so grateful for their generosity. I feel so pretty and feminine with my super long, super thick hair. I had nice full hair of hair before the extensions but now, its pumped up to the extreme, giving me that barbie doll look. Needless to say, I couldn’t stop touching it, fluffing it, bouncing it, whipping it... pretty much showing it off to anyone who would look my way. Now that I have returned home, I am still obsessed with my hair. It does take a bit longer to dry and style but its worth it! I get compliments everywhere I go.

Clay and Joey were all ready for me when I stepped in the door. Joey had pulled a rack of fabulous gowns for me to try on and pick for the photo shoot. This time, we were shooting looks for the program book and ad pages at the 2013 pageant, and for Donna K the jewelry sponsor. Clay glamed me up with his fantastic make up line and gave my new hair big, sexy, tousled waves. As I have said before, Clay is so effortless at making you look incredible. During our photo shoot, every once and awhile he would turn the camera around and show me a shot he liked and I would get so excited and happy and amazed that I was looking at myself! He is so good at making you look different, but still you, a more polished and defined you. 

I hung out at The Competitive Image while Caroline and Sarah had their sessions with Clay. Get ready everyone, because the 2013 program book covers are going to be knock outs! Little Miss Caroline had some drop dead gorgeous shots and even though Clay had to teach me how to do a sexy face, Caroline had the sexy serious face mastered! She is such a sweet down to earth girl. I was so happy I got the chance to get to know her better and spend time with her and her mother Denise. We spent about 5 hours in a hotel room together, myself, Caroline, Denise, Mary, Thomas and Drew getting our hair extensions put it and I don’t think we stopped talking or laughing for one second. We had so much fun! I even witnessed a few of Mary Richardson's “A-dork-able” moments, but we will save those stories for my goodbye speech, hehe. 

Mermaid hair <3 p="">

Thank you with all my heart Thomas and Drew, Clay and Joey, Mary and Mel, for giving me opportunities that would only be possible through the International Pageant. I love you all and can’t wait to reunite in Chicago!

With all my love and never-ending gratitude, 

Krista Wanous
Miss International 2012

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