Tuesday 19 March 2013

Miss Minnesota International 2012 Farewell Speech

How humbling it is to stand here tonight reminiscing on where my journey began over a year ago. Representing my state and platform has brought clarity and direction to my life. Competing in the Intl pageant has helped me discover and create the person I was meant to be.  Mentoring abused, neglected, and homeless youth across the state and soon globe only furthers the belief I know to be true, Art Heals. Healing Lives Through Creative Expression is what I will continue to do for the rest of my life.

Cheri Kennedy, my fairy godmother. You waved your magic wand and guided a shy insecure girl towards her destiny. You changed me into someone who was more myself than I had ever known. Tonight I stand here as a woman of strength integrity passion with a story I am proud to tell. I will never forget looking out into the audience as I was being crowned Miss Intl and seeing Cheri Kennedy, the poised and polished woman we all know, leaping up and down, screaming, That’s My Krista!!! Although I never quite believed you, you never doubted I could go all the way. Thank you for believing in me. I love you Cher-Bear.

Mock interview judges. You saw something in me I never new I had. Potential. You polished me into more than a cookie cutter mold of what a beauty queen should be, you made me perfectly me, with out the umms, wells, yeas, and ya knows of course! A great amount of my confidence stems from our evenings together. Thank you for giving your time to all of us girls, every week!

Sarah Moses, I know I caused you many headaches second-guessing everything you chose for me. Oh how I wish I could take back all those doubts. Winning the best evening gown award at nationals was the cherry on top of an incredible journey. Thank you for always being honest and making this short girl feel like she just stepped off the red carpet.

Thank you Paula Preston for lots of laughs and killer headshots!

Penny Wells and Yames Peterson, you two are the silliest, naughtiest and most wonderful duo. Perfect crown hair and make up every time and always lots of laughs to wash the nerves away Love love love you both!

Gabby and Sara, there are no words to describe the memories we have made. Mmxii sisters forever.

Mary, Mel, Allison, Richard, Leisha, and staff, thank you for creating a pageant where a 5 foot nothin’ girl like me has a fighting chance, a girl who has a story and a determination to ignite change, and inspire women across the world.

Melanie, my best friend, chaperone, assistant, therapist, and truest sister I will ever have. Our friendship is ours, no one will understand our hearts. No matter where this crazy life takes us, you will always be my best friend. Being able to count on see your face in the audience bring me so much comfort and support, and you continue supporting me across the world as we bring the Healing Arts to Thailand in April.

Donovan, You make everything. Since you found me, my sun shines brighter and my smiles smile wider. You are my perfect one. I promise, in 5 months you will never again have to share me with pageant duties, unless of course you make me a Mrs. hehe.

Dad, You were 50% of my success this year. If it were not for your extensive nutrition and weight training knowledge, I would never of stood a chance. The wardrobe I competed in looked beautiful because of what you built. Our time in the gym together brought us closer than we have ever been.  You taught me about more than fitness, you taught me about God. My faith in Him washed a waved of calmness over me during competition knowing that it was ultimately His choice, not mine.  Resting on this knowledge was the best secret weapon I had this year, along with my super toned guns :) Thank you for allowing me to share our struggles and turn them into a positive future. Your little Dynamo loves you

Mom, are you looking now? We did it. We went all the way. The other 50% of my success is yours. I am who I am because you love me unconditionally. You took on every role that was thrown at you this year. The umbilical cord will never be cut. Now, since you have never actually seen me get crowned because you always bury your head in your hands with shock and excitement, get a good look. We really did it.

To my successor and their family, get ready for the most exciting, hectic, stressful, adventurous, proud, memorable, scary, wonderful year of your life. This is your moment to leave your mark in the world. Strive to reach as far and wide and limitless as possible. Don't aim for success, just do what you love and believe in it.

To my former Minnesota titleholders, I have never understood or appreciated the connection between people until I was warmly welcomed into the Minnesota International Pageant family. Before that, I thought the only people who would stand beside you and support you were your family. I have found a family in the Minnesota International women that is so magnificent, loving and far reaching than I would have ever imagined. I am so grateful to my formers for their never-ending support, encouragement, ideas and insight. You have been inspiring me long before you even knew who I was.

I came into the 2012 year as Miss Saint Cloud and I have the honor as leaving you not only as Miss Minnesota International 2012, but also Miss International 2012 . I will continue to make you proud throughout the rest of my reign and provide assistance as our future sisters continue to make our very special family grow. I love you all so dearly.

Forever and Always,

Krista Wanous

Miss Minnesota International 2012
Miss International 2012

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