My Ping in

Friday 17 May 2013

Exploring Germany!

When you wake up in a castle, as you can imagine, even the simple act of walking down a hall to breakfast is an experience.

The atmosphere was as enjoyable as the exquisite buffet!

Next on the itinerary was a more comprehensive tour of the Sewing home and the magical setting of their property bordering a castle built more than eight centuries ago!  

You can see the Kronberg Castle through the trees 

An old cellar on the Sewing property 

View from above the cellar 

Joe and Sarah on the daring Sewing zip line

Simply stunning home and landscape

Not quite as old, but certainly just as impressive to my car fanatical husband was our next adventure at the Klassiker Probe Fahren und Automobile Meilensteine (Classic Car Display). This adventure was suggested by Henrik and Barbara at dinner the preceding evening, and they were kind enough to join us for a tour and lunch. I am fairly confident in stating that our time at the car show was a bit like nirvana for my husband!

A variety of classic cars!

From the industrial area of the car show, we headed toward downtown Frankfurt. Peter shared with us some history of the city, as well as, some of the most beautiful and charming areas for both work and living. Frankfurt is really the financial mecca of Europe as it is home to the European Central Bank (ECB) and Deutsche Bank. Here are a sampling of photos to give you a flavor of the vibrant city of Frankfurt:

Deutsche Bank

Main River

Bridge over the Main River Photo

Deutsche Bank Towers

Old Opera with the words inscribed "Dem Wahren, Schonen, Guten" (To the true, the beautiful, the good)

Entering a stately residential area

As we left the city to visit wine country we traveled on the autobahn, which is the German "federal expressway." The signs change from yellow to the color blue and there are only speed-limits posted in areas near communities...otherwise, a driver can move into the far left lane and open it up! This was a first for both Joe and me...and we both smiled because we really wanted to be behind the wheel!

German Autobahn

We visited three wineries, each with a distinct personality and all with views to die for!

Castle Schloss Vollrads

Gutsschanke Schloss Johannisberg

Stiftung Kloster Eberbach

As we departed Kronberg, we captured a photo of the church where the Helena and Johan were baptized, took a quick tour, and then it was time to bid farewell to our amazing host and look toward our train ride to Basel, Switzerland.

Kronberg Church Photo

Farewell Photo 

Lunch in Basel headed to Geneva

We will sincerely treasure our time in Frankfurt, Germany, and it is impossible to say "Danke Schon" enough to my dear friend.

With love and appreciation,

Sarah Bazey
Mrs. International 2012  

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