Wednesday 29 May 2013

Feeling Beautiful

I am so excited about the upcoming Miss Teen International Pageant! The more I learn about each of you and your respective platforms, the more honored I feel to represent such beautiful and accomplished young women. I want to thank you for the work you are doing to make this world a better place.  Winning the title of Miss Teen International 2012 is one of the best things that have ever happened to me. I have grown so much as a person this year, because I have been able to meet people from all walks of life. I have learned so many valuable life lessons this year, which I will cherish forever!

One particular lesson, I actually learned right before I left the hotel for finals night at the 2012 pageant. I have always been extremely driven, and I never settle for less than my very best! I am generally not one to get nervous, but believe it or not, I completely fell apart in the hair and make-up chair on Saturday night! I began to question everything I did to prepare for the pageant. I wondered if my dress would impress the judges, if I was adequately knowledgeable about my platforms, if I had done enough crunches, and if I had practiced my walks enough.

Throughout the week, looking at all of the beautiful young women around me, I began to almost feel inferior. I was not sure if I was even good enough to walk across that huge stage! My mom took me into the hall and read me this verse, Psalm 139: 13-14 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

I quickly realized that no matter if I came home with the crown or not, I am still on this Earth for a purpose and my Savior, Jesus Christ, will always love me. I know that sometimes it is difficult, but try to remember that no Earthly crown or reward is ever as great as the love Christ has for you! Although winning the title of Miss Teen International 2013 would be a dream come true, you will always be a princess no matter what because you are the daughter of a merciful, forgiving, and loving King!

All my love,


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