Monday 5 August 2013

25 Things You Didn't Know About Mrs. International 2013

25 Things You Didn't Know About Me

1) My family is my life. There is nothing more important than my husband and our children.

2) Growing up in several states and a dozen cities means a piece of me and my history is everywhere.

3) I have a "museum," in my closet including the suit I wore when accepting my first job as a reporter and the suits I wore when meeting 4 of our U.S. Presidents. Even my funky neon ski pants from 9th grade are in that closet.  It baffles my husband, but it's a piece of my traveling history.

4) I love warm laundry just out of the dryer on a chilly fall day, but I still prefer summer.

5) I will do anything for my kids; including riding an upside down roller coaster which is taking place next week.

6) I always (almost always) find the positive in anything; just ask my friends. It must drive them crazy
7) Pets are family in this household. My 15-year old cat passed away this year. 5-year old Ali still cries over him (as do I) so I'm not sure how to break it to my husband we need a new family member…like a dog? At least we have my Hanoverian, "Legacy," or "Legs,” who is a 16.3hh, 1200lb puppy. Seriously.

8) I cry easily. Whether it’s from joy, heart break or out of sympathy; I wear a lot of waterproof mascara.

9) I will never understand HOW an adult could hurt or neglect a child or an animal. There is no excuse.

10) I pray every night and thank Him for all I am blessed with learning every day. I also say a prayer for my loved ones and others including Quindera; a 2nd grader I met while in college through the "You Are Special," program. Please Lord, make sure she is okay and feels loved. Please.

11) Every story I’ve covered, however brutal, has forever changed me. My humor may be darker, but my heart is bigger because of everyone I’ve met. And yes, I remember just about everyone as I have a freakish memory.

12) True friends are a very rare find. They will catch your fall and are even happier than you when you succeed. Here is to good friends and great success!

13) I'm a night owl, yet I love waking early to snuggle with my kids before the days gets underway. They love it too, for now.

14) I speak with my mom (who's my BFF) at least twice a day, believe my dad's hung the moon and think my not-so-little brother (6'4) is the funniest person on the planet.

15) I truly love my in-laws...every one of them. How great is that?

16) I won the South Carolina Lt. Governor's Award when I was 10-yrs old for an essay I wrote about my thoughts on our future. My mom has it saved with everything else.  It’s a trip and not bad if I don’t say so myself.

17) Speaking of: I was raised by a stay-at-home mom who is one of the most well-read people I know, preaching "Girl Power!"

18) I grew up listening to “The Drifters,”  love all things Stevie Wonder and play Jimmy Buffet during our tough winters here in Chicago.

19) Family, friends, faith, laughter and love are the key to my happiness. Anything else? Nope.

20) One of my all-time favorite movies is a documentary called, “Buck.” It makes me want to move to Montana and wear nothing but jeans and boots too.  Just give the movie a try; it’ resonates. I am supposed to meet him this October!

21) I am technologically challenged. If you've seen my twitter or Instagram, you understand and I apologize;) And by now you know I am also horrible with punctuation as I spent too many years writing for the ear and not the eye. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!

22) I want to travel to India and often listen to Indian music from artists like A.R. Rahman thanks to Pandora, but cannot make it past the first 20-minutes of “Slum Dog Millionaire.” The oil in the eye part was the final straw.

23) I am a goal driven person. Sometimes I wonder WHY did I sign up for this!? WHY!? But I must always follow through unless it is against medical advice.

24) Speaking of: I fractured my back (ok, some vertebrae) a little over a year ago when "Legs," displayed his frustration and threw me (he was apparently hurt.)  Given I had a horse fall on me in 6th grade, which left me unable to walk for a couple weeks, it is a huge show of support by my husband  who understands horses are a part of me. He really has no choice in the matter

25a) Doing rolls and stalls with the Red Barons has been the ultimate adrenaline rush and all for my job! I survived and all the station wanted to know was if the photog’s camera was ok! Ha!

25b) I wish I could create and then bottle a magic potion that would protect children, keeping them sweet and innocent forever!

Be the change!

Amy Gregorio 
Your Mrs. International 2013

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