Saturday 3 August 2013

My First Blog

Hi everyone!

My name is Haley Rose Pontius and I am Miss Teen International 2013. I am honestly still in disbelief that I am able to say this! I’m proud to have been chosen to represent not only the International system, but all of the extraordinary contestants at the pageant this year. I will strive to make you all proud in everything I do.

To break the ice, here is just a little bit about myself.

I’m the 17 year old daughter of Beverly and Doug Pontius and the little sister of William Pontius. I’ve grown up in the same town, in the same school, in the same house, with the same friends my entire life. I have found that the same children that I played with on the playground are now about to enter their senior year along side me. With only 500 students in my 7-12 grade high school it’s not hard to see how this is possible!

When I was 11 years old my father was diagnosed with a heart disease called Atrial Fibrillation. It was a rude awakening to the way my family was living and eye opener to the world around us. Over the years, my family has improved immensely in our eating habits, physical activity, and overall health. By working with the American Heart Association I hope to inspire, motivate, and encourage others to make a change in their lifestyle for the better.

I got my first taste of pageantry when I was three years old and my mother entered me in the county fair pageant. Immediately we were hooked! Since then, pageantry has always been something close to my heart and a huge part of my life. Had I never competed in pageants, I know I wouldn’t be who I am today. It has shown me how to be the person that I want to be and made me confident in who I am. The first time I ever competed in the International system was in April of 2012 in the Miss Teen Arkansas International Pageant. From the very beginning I fell in love with the people, the morals, and the ideas. Little did I know roughly 16 months later I would be Miss Teen International!

I am so thrilled to see what my year as Miss Teen International has in store for me and I hope you will all join with me on this journey of a lifetime by following my blogs, Twitter, and Instagram!

Haley Rose Pontius

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