My Ping in

Sunday 14 February 2010

Datebook February 8, 2010

You know, I still keep accidentally typing 2009 before catching myself.


Outside my window: It's a beautiful sunny day! Considering how gray and foggy and rainy it was this morning, I'm rather surprised.

I am hearing: The Bonnie Hunt show. Cordie laughing and talking to her toys.

I am thinking: I did not get done near as much as I wanted today. Oh well.

I am hoping: my parents have a safe flight home from Hawaii tonight.

I am wondering: is it possible to get an iPod dock that we can play music off of one ipod but in two rooms? See we have lullaby music playing in Duncan's room at night. We'd like to do that for Cordie too, but I don't want to listen to 2 different kinds of music at the same time.

I am reading: Still "Echo" but I'm getting closer to done. Ronnie is reading her 3rd book of the year, and she is not a reader at all, so I keep joking that she's read more than I have, and we can't have that!

I am creating: I needing to make, hopefully tonight, my January block for the Block of the Month exchange I'm doing with my online quilters group. I also want to make a block to contribute to a friend who is making a quilt for a sick friend of hers. I finally have what I need to make some bibs for Cordie, so I want to make those too. I need to get to the fabric store and get material to make a quilt for our new nephew Oskar in Sweden. (Isn't that an awesome name? I love it!). And I almost have all the blocks for Cordie's quilt with contributions for my quilters group online, so that will be pretty quick in line too.

I am wearing: A black t-shirt and brown frumpy pants. I'll change back into jeans before I go grab Duncan.

In the kitchen: In no specific order:
  • tacos
  • ham and mashed sweet potatoes
  • chicken and rice casserole
  • braised chicken and baked broccoli
  • some other pasta dish

Plans for the week:Welll.... today we saw the Olympic torch (more about that in next post). Groceries. I was going to work on Jeff's stuff while Cordie was napping and then work out, but as it is, my workout was the grocery shopping I did wearing Cordie in the wrap and she decided not to nap. Right now she is rolling herself up in the floor mat. It's so funny. I'll try and post a video later.

Anyhow, tomorrow is field trip to the firestation with Duncan's school. I'm also bringing Brayden, so that will be fun. We'll be popping out to see my folks a bit later in the day. Thursday is the Valentines Day party at Duncan's school and I need to do up a fruit platter for that.  I was supposed to be in church nursery next Sunday, but someone asked me to switch, and I did it yesterday, so that's done. Of course there is swimming and Sportball on Saturday.

A few of my favourite things:Cordie rolling herself up in the floor mat. Cordie almost crawling. It's also scary.

A picture thought:
Puddle jumping

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