My Ping in

Tuesday 31 July 2012

My Story, My Life

If we were introduced when I was a little girl, I would have told you I was a figure skater. As the youngest of six children in a small town in Minnesota, I grew up skating on the outdoor ice rink next to the elementary school and the pond that my father flooded on our property for all the kids in the neighborhood to enjoy. By the time I was 12, my parents were driving me 100 miles round trip to the skating lessons and through my teenage years my father woke me at 3:45am daily so I could skate from 5:30 to 7:30am before school.

As a competitive skater who turned professional at the age of 20, I learned discipline, perseverance, as well as, physical and psychological control. It was also through competitive skating that I learned how to be a good competitor, which has served me well in my professional life and pageantry. We can only control ourselves; therefore, competing is about being our best and being willing to accept the results as interpreted by those with whom we are willing to be judged.

If we were introduced when I was in my twenties, I would have told you I was an entrepreneur who understands the incredible responsibility and privilege associated with employing people and building a business. Growing up in a small family owned company, I knew enough to be dangerous. Between my junior and senior year at a liberal arts college, majoring in Psychology with a plan to become a Sports Psychologist, I elected to complete an independent study for a communications credit that introduced a new and innovative product to the construction industry. The result was the founding of Simplex Construction Supplies, Inc., a national award winning construction products company, which celebrated its 25th Anniversary on July 21, 2012.

If we were introduced in my thirties, I would have told you I was a burn survivor. In 1994, I chartered a helicopter to fly over a construction site. I survived a horrific helicopter crash, but not without enduring severe burns to 40% of my body when the helicopter exploded while I was still belted inside. Today, I am proud to serve as an Officer on the National Board of Trustees for the Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, as a trained volunteer for Survivors Offering Assistance in Recovery (SOAR) program, and as an international speaker for the American Burn Association, the World Burn Congress, and various community groups.

If we were introduced today, I would tell you I am a graduate of Harvard Business School, who treasures the friendships forged with classmates who made the cultural experience every bit as important as the academic challenge. I am married to the love of my life Joseph and we have an adorable Maltese dog named Tonka. We live in an historic former flour mill built in the 1800’s along the banks of the Mississippi River and St. Anthony falls in downtown Minneapolis. And last but certainly not least, it is with great humility, that I share with you that I am honored and blessed to represent accomplished and generous married women from around the world as Mrs. International 2012!

With love and gratitude,

Sarah Bazey
Mrs. International 2012

Sunday 29 July 2012

Wedding Shower Inspiration: Daniela's Vintage Tea Party

Every girl dreams of her beautiful wedding day with formal invitations, lush flowers, elegant  details, white dresses, and ever so helpful bridesmaids.  But, would you dream that your bridal shower could be the scene stealer?  Today we are pleased to share Daniela's "vintage tea party" themed bridal shower, exquisitely put together by her thoughtful and creative bridesmaids.  From homemade Vanilla extract favors to handmade doily garland and paper pom poms, this is a shower is full of charming personal touches that helped to create an elegant and sophisticated day for the bride to remember.

We asked one of the bridesmaids to give us her take on how
they went about planning this event and here are some of the thoughts and
insite she shared with us:

there an overarching theme for the shower?

Our initial thought for a theme was an elegant, soft, vintage
inspired tea party, but we didn't want to take it too literally and serve just
tea and put pictures of tea kettles and cups on everything. We wanted to keep
it as elegant and sophisticated as possible. Towards the end it had felt like
we broke pretty far away from our initial "tea party" idea but then
seeing it all come together and looking at the pictures now, I think it
translates as just that.

did you come up with the ideas for the theme/decor?

Most of the ideas stemmed from things we knew
Daniela loved and then we used our own ideas and inspirations found online to
embellish on that. 

seemed there were a lot of little details. How long did it take you to plan?

It's hard to say how long it took to plan since
I'm sure we both had been thinking of ideas since before Daniela was even
engaged. But I believe our actual planning probably began about 6 months ahead
of time. For example, our favors (Homemade Vanilla Extract) had to sit for
4-5 months before being bottled and ready to use.

How did you choose the venue?

We knew we wanted to host it at a place where we had complete control and constant access so we could be planning and setting up in the months, days, and hours beforehand, so that is why we decided to host it in Sheryl's backyard. We felt having it at a hall or restaurant, although less work for us in the long run, would limit us.

How long did it take you to set up?

As for the set up, we did a lot of prepping in
the months and weeks before the shower and stored everything in Sheryl's
basement. We began setting things up in the yard the evening before (once the
tent was set up and tables & chairs delivered) and spent the day of the
shower doing the final touches. After the shower and the following day was the
clean up...which with a lot of helping hands was a breeze!

types of games did you play?

For games there was bridal bingo, a word
search, and a Pat & Daniela quiz. We also placed LRC (Left Right Center)
games along the table for people to play at their own will, but I think people
were too busy chatting, eating, and drinking to be bothered to play .

Did you do it all yourselves?

We (Sara and Sheryl) did all of the planning and coordinating ourselves and tackled the majority of the decor and details. Thankfully both Daniela and Pat's mothers were very eager to help and were very generous in their contributions (tent, tables, chair & linen rentals, catering, and tons of additional desserts).

Was it a surprise?

The date, time and location of the shower were not a surprise to the bride to be -- we actually even placed an invitation to her own bridal shower on her front steps spruced up with some flowers. But we didn't let any of the details slip. 

Want to throw a shower like this?  Check the links these ladies have posted on Ruffled and Craig's List if you are interested in purchasing the china, glassware, server ware, and other items for your very own tea-party themed event!  Not all of the items are for sale, but it will certainly get you off to a great start!

Thanks to Sara and Sheryl for sharing these photos and detail with us and warmest congratulations to Daniela, the lovely bride to be!


Jen & Saira

Friday 27 July 2012

For The Last Time, Jurnee Carr - Miss Teen International 2011

“Who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" –Esther 4:14

Just a few more days remain until I crown the new Miss Teen International 2012! This has been the experience of a lifetime that I will forever cherish. I cannot wait to see what my new sister queen will do with her title!

Thank you Mary & Mel Richardson for the hard work and dedication you put into this pageant to make it such a huge success. Joey, Clay and Terri for my fabulous wardrobe and photos; I love being around your smiling faces!

Mom and Dad, I love you so much and couldn’t have made it this year without your support. Granny and Papaw, thank you for supporting me and being my shoulder to lean on. My little sister, Jaecee Rae, and little brother, Daxx, you two keep me on my toes and remind me that being a big sister is my most important title. Tiffany and Robin Porter, your support means the world to me and I will always hold a special place for you in my heart.

Ciji, you have been an incredible Miss International and inspiration. It’s been an honor to share this year with you.

DeShaun, Allison & Bernee for allowing me to be a part of your pageant sisterhood. A special thanks to Allison for the gorgeous Titlewear clothes!

I would also like to thank: Patricia Edwards, International Pageant staff, Jurnee's Journey supporters & volunteers, Stephanie Ross, Gilbert Advanced Asset Management, Congressman Phil Roe, State Rep. Jason Mumpower, American Heart Association, and the HSUS for allowing me to be a part of the Youth Advisory Board.

It’s all about faith, not fate. When you let go of who you made yourself to be, and grab hold of what God has called you to, your journey will be far longer and greater than you can ever imagine.

Blessings to all,

Jurnee Carr
Miss Teen International 2011

Thursday 26 July 2012

The Competition Begins

It’s pageant week for the Miss Teen International Class of 2012! There are some absolutely gorgeous teens with even more amazing hearts. I cannot wait to see what the next Miss Teen International will do with her title! Here are some of the events so far during pageant week:

Ciji and I grabbed lunch at the Cheesecake Factory before orientation!

With Mary Richardson-Executive Director of the International Pageants and Ciji Dodds-Miss International 2011 before orientation

Speaking at orientation!

Window washing at the 94th floor of the John Hancock Observatory in Chicago!

Had a great time at the Boys & Girls Club!

A close-up of Mary and me before dinner!

Acting silly at interviews!

I visited the Visiting the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago and met some wonderful children!

Lyan wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up! I see a future Miss Teen International here!

Can’t wait for the preliminary competition tomorrow! Be sure to follow @IntlPageants on Twitter for live feed of the pageant!

Jurnee Carr

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Color Day: Purple and Grey with Sunflowers

By now you've probably noticed that we really like grey and love to pair it with a variety of hues.  We've done grey and purple together, we've even done sunflowers once before, but never have we paired all three of these things together... until today!  This board was customized for Saira's friend, Ashley!  Ashley is using purple as her main color, sunflowers as her flowers and grey as her accent color.  Here you can see the tone of the chic and sophisticated combination of purple and grey is changed to a  more relaxed and fun feel with the addition of the bright and cheery sunflower. Congratulations, Ashley! Best of luck in your wedding planning!

you planning a wedding and looking for some inspiration?  Send us your
colors or ideas and we'll put our heads together to come up with a
custom board just for you!


Jen & Saira

Kicking Off Pageant Week

It’s officially pageant week for the Miss & Miss Teen International contestants! So many exciting things are happening in Chicago!

I kicked off the week by watching the Mrs. International 2012 pageant from a bird’s eye view! The ladies looked absolutely fabulous!

I got to chat with my sister queen, Mrs. International 2011-Janet Bolin, before finals started!

So honored to be a part of this amazing family of outstanding women. Here, I am with former Mrs. International queens.

The crown!

Making a silly pose with Miss International 2009 & my role model-Erin Golden-Vance!

Congrats to Sarah Bazey-Mrs. International 2012!

Jurnee Carr

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Last Words on Literacy

When I began this journey, I set out to inform as many people as possible on the importance of literacy.  Whether it was though reading a story at a local elementary school, donating books, or connecting an group of concerned parents to a literacy organization, I wanted to encourage, empower and educate the world on the importance of literacy.  I was raised to know and understand that education is power, and at its core is literacy.   It is with this belief that I sought to give others access to the power that so many of us take for granted.  The power to read is not just the power to pick up a book and understand its contents.  It is the power to pick up a newspaper and understand the world we live in.  To read a congressional bill and understand how it impacts you.  It is the power to read and understand a lease, so that you can make sure that your home is safe for your children.  Or in some cases to read a court document and understand your rights. 

The power to read has transformed societies, one person at a time.  Indeed, Literacy impacts us all.  I hope that I have conveyed that message to everyone that has read my blogs, I have met, read to, or even autographed a picture for.  Just Read, Fighting Illiteracy Starts With Your First Book- is not just my platform, it is my mantra and a personal mission.   As my time as Miss International winds down I am excited to enter the next phase of advocacy.  My work has just begun. 


Ciji Dodds
Miss International (for a few more days)

Monday 23 July 2012

Last Words on Go Red

The beauty of pageantry is that you are given the opportunity to learn about causes which you may have otherwise been clueless about.  I didn’t know much about heart disease before I became involved with the International System.  I knew the basics from commercials, but I really did not know about prevention, signs, legislation and the rate of survival.   As a woman, I was undereducated about the illness that affects more women than any other.  My journey of education and subsequent advocacy highlights the importance of the alliance between International Pageants and Go Red for Women.  But for this alliance, I may have learned about heart disease the hard way.

I hope that we have learned together.  With each blog that I wrote about heart disease, I learned something new.   I am a nerd at heart and tree hugger by nature so I jump on any opportunity to advocate on behalf of a cause.  It has been my pleasure to advocate on behalf of the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Campaign.  With the knowledge that I have gained, I can continue to educate myself and others.   Thank you to the AHA for providing International Pageants with such an amazing national platform and avenue for promotion.


Ciji Dodds
Miss International 2011

Cat Woman

In honor of The Dark Knight Rises, and in solidarity with our fellow cat ladies across the globe, we are here to declare that we love cats and are not afraid to show it! Kitty printed clothing, accessories, decor -- we want it all. And sure, some cat themed items can appear to be juvenile or excessive, but we think a tasteful item or two can really liven up your look. So here are some items that we think are fun and stylish, yet still simple and discreet enough to be part of your grown-up lifestyle. Kitty Pryde!


Jen & Saira

Saturday 21 July 2012

Pageant Week Extras

Who’s ready to take over Chicago?! I absolutely cannot wait to meet all the contestants competing for this year’s Mrs., Miss, and Miss Teen International titles! I know you are excited and anticipating what the week will be like.

Having competed twice for the title of Miss Teen International, I have a couple insider secrets to share with you before you leave so you will be better prepared on how the week will go!

Be prepared for a photo as soon as you arrive at the hotel! Remember: you are representing your state, region, or country and the International Pageant System and yourself. Arrive to impress!

Be sure to have full hair and makeup ready to go EVERY MORNING during the pageant week. You will have plenty of time for touch ups, but look your best as soon as you step out of your room.

My interview group!

Monday: Orientation. Be ready to meet and greet all of your fellow sisters! Bring your camera and sash. You will be given your contestant number and interview group/time here! Snacks will be provided.

Tuesday: Fun day in Chicago/Dinner. Wear something fun and comfortable as you will be out and about Chicago. Don’t forget to bring autograph cards or a pad of paper and pen to sign for the kids at the Boys and Girls Club. Can you imagine having a photo signature of a prestigious beauty queen you actually got to speak to?! That’s what these kids are looking forward to!

At dinner that night, we take a huge group photo out in front of the theater. Eddie Peterson-California International Pageants director will be speaking. Bring your tissues!

Yummy, heart healthy food all week!

Wednesday: Interview/rehearsals. You will enter with your group that was assigned to you at orientation at the time given to you. Afterwards, a delicious lunch will be provided. Take time to relax and get ready for rehearsals that night!

Taking a cute picture with my dad after prelims in my favorite cocktail dress!

Thursday: Prelims for Teens. Remember to wear a cocktail to and from prelims, with sash on at all times.

Heading over to watch the Miss International contestants compete!

Friday: Prelims for Miss. Teens: We get a day to relax and tour Chicago a bit more on your own time! That night, be ready to go watch Miss prelims. Wear your sash.

Eating all kinds of amazing food with my mother at the coronation ball!

We had so much fun dancing at the coronation ball!!!

Saturday: FINALS!!!!! Ah I cannot wait! It will be such an exciting time! Don’t forget to bring your on-stage interview suit, as the Top 10 will compete in this category tonight. After crowning, the Top 5 will wear their evening gown to the coronation ball. LOTS of food and dancing here-don’t want to miss it!

Jurnee Carr

Wednesday 18 July 2012

10 Years of Teens

Wow, what an honor it was to be crowned the 10th Miss Teen International! As we head into nationals, I would like to showcase the accomplishments of former Miss Teen Internationals!

Our FIRST Miss Teen International in 2002: Paige Richardson

Throughout her reign, Paige set the stage for and spread awareness of the International Pageant system to teens across the country, while promoting her platform-Resisting Peer Pressure. Her advice for girls competing for an International title: “Stay true to yourself throughout this process and be kind to everyone you meet - open yourself up. You have the ability to walk away from this experience with not only wonderful memories, but friendships that will last a lifetime!” She has been living in NYC for almost 4 years and is a Senior Buyer for Macy’s. When she’s not in Manhattan she is usually traveling down to Virginia to visit her family. She says that her future plans are up to God- but the world is her oyster.

Miss Teen International 2003 – Bailey Mills

A recent graduate from Francis Marion University with a BA in Mass Communications and a track of Public Relations, Bailey plans to pursue her career in medical equipment/ pharmaceutical sales within the next month. As our 2nd Miss Teen International, Bailey shared her story through her platform, "A Sound Vision". At three years old, she was diagnosed with a 20% high frequency hearing loss in both ears. Fighting back, she made appearances at several deaf conferences, schools, and community events, encouraging people to communicate with the deaf and hard of hearing. She says, “Something as simple as learning how to sign the alphabet can truly make a difference in the life of someone who is deaf/ hard of hearing. Being able to travel the United States and help people who are just like me is something that I will be forever grateful for.”

One of her most treasured appearances was a trip to McCall, Idaho where she raised $5,000 for the deaf and the blind through a polar bear jump with the local fire department. Her advice for future contestants comes from 1 Corinthians 9:24-25; “Take advantage of the many opportunities that come your way, and get ready for one of the best weeks of your life!” After starting her career, she plans to live out her biggest dream of getting married, and being the best wife and mom that she can be.

Miss Teen International 2004 – Britany Martindale (Belczak)

While promoting her platform-Serving Senior Citizens: Bridging the Generation Gap, she successfully juggled her senior year of high school, traveling for appearances, volunteering, submitting college applications, and maintaining relationships with family and friends! Since June 2009, Britany has worked for The Columbus Dispatch in Advertising Sales. She was named one of the Top 10 Sales Reps for 2010 and 2011! As a hobby, she does commercial modeling. She also volunteers for local elementary, middle school and high school programs at church. Britany and her husband, Nick have been married for almost 3 years, along with a dog and is thinking of adding babies in the next 2-3 years. They have recently returned from trips to Costa Rica, Germany, Austria and France and want to travel more before growing their family. Her advice for onstage interview: “Listen carefully to the question and answer it. Then, elaborate. Don't give us your pre-planned platform commercial because it may not answer the question. Speak from your heart!”

Miss Teen International 2007 – Allie DeSantis

Allie’s biggest accomplishment during her reign was traveling to Japan to participate in the 2008 Olympic torch running ceremonies in Tokyo. She spent a week there doing press interviews, touring, eating delicious food, and even got to speak in a fashion show wearing a custom dress made just for her that is now in a Tokyo museum! Allie’s platform-Josh Cares is an organization that provides care for children who are often alone during a prolonged hospital stay. She went through specialty training and got to spend time with the kids, play games, watch movies, and make them laugh. She says that what a child needs most is the undivided attention of someone who makes them feel special.

Her advice for contestants: “Bring blister band-aids, get to know as many girls as possible and always remember to thank the staff. Even if I didn't have the experience of being Miss Teen International, competing would have still been 110% worth it because of the girls I met. But most importantly remember why you're there, never get caught up, and never stop being thankful. Take moments to really absorb your experience and be appreciative!” She recently graduated from Miami University and landed a job with Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL. She will begin working this August for her favorite company in the world. Her future plans are to hang out with Mickey for a while at Disney and attend law school.

Jurnee Carr

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Maryland International Send-Off Party

This Sunday I attended the send-off party for Miss Maryland International, Chardia Murray.  Send-off parties are always fun.  They represent the best of both worlds.  You get to catch up with old friends and get a preview of contestant’s competition wardrobe.  It was a bit nostalgic.  But, I enjoyed being able to eat more than celery.

The best part is the pride in everyone’s eyes.  Everyone is there for one reason and one reason only.  They want their contestant to know that in their eyes they are the winner.  The support is overwhelming.  As a contestant, I didn’t want a send-off party because I’m not big on hoopla.  However, after it was over I was very thankful for the show of support and good vibes.   I hope all of you have enjoyed your send-offs and are amped about Chicago!!


Ciji Dodds
Miss International 2011

Monday 16 July 2012

Real Wedding Planning: The Venue Search, Part 2

 The search for the perfect wedding venue continues! After viewing more venues, we've definitely come to realize that there is no such thing as a "perfect" wedding venue. There are plenty of gorgeous venues out there, even more venues that are crazy expensive, and plenty of places that are close, but no cigar. In the end, the "perfect venue" will simply be the one where the pros and outweigh the cons.

Studio 450 in New York, New York

We stumbled upon Studio 450 after doing intensive online searches for "unique / alternative / loft / museum" spaces. New York City has a plethora of loft like venues that is perfect for weddings. The tricky part is finding one that can accommodate 250 guests (yikes!) Located in Hudson Yards, the space is a penthouse duplex which features an open floor plan, wrap around windows, and an amazing roof deck. It's also conveniently located a few blocks from Penn Station. This venue is rapidly climbing our list as our first option, so take a look and tell us what you think.

The Pros:

- The space is just a venue rental, which means you can bring in all of your own vendors and caterers.

- The flat venue rental fee is very reasonable with no extra charges, and even includes a reduced rate if you pay up front.

- There is a beautiful roof deck and wrap around terrace, which provides great city views (including The High Line, The Empire State Building, and The New Yorker Building.

- The space is beautiful, all white and modern, but with an urban feel. Perfect for the minimalist wedding or for the couple who wants a blank canvas to work from.

- The venue rental is for 10 hours, so you have plenty of time to set up, break down, and party in between. 

- The venue rental includes both floors, which gives you some extra space to play with.

- The building is located close to the High Line, which means beautiful pre-wedding photos!

The Cons:

- Because the space is only a venue rental, your caterer is responsible for everything: food, wait staff, tables, chairs, plates, cutlery, glasses, etc. That means a whole lot of other planning, which means a tiny bit more stress.

- There is no parking, so if your guests are planning to drive in, you will have to arrange parking accommodations yourself.

- The "cocktail hour" space is very dependent on being outdoors, so if the weather is inclimate and you have a larger guest list, then cocktail hour will be incredibly cozy.

- The entrance of the venue leaves much to be desired. It's basically a plain brick front, with no indication of the beauty inside.

- There is only one (rather slow moving) elevator, which can lead to some delays for your guests in arriving at the venue.

- The bathroom number is limited, with only two stalls on the main floor.

Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey

Located in Jersey City, New Jersey, the Liberty Science Center is one of our favorite museums in the area. It's educational, interactive and fun for all ages. It's also available for rental for events such as weddings, bar mitzvahs, and corporate fundraisers. The museum has different rental options, where each event space includes its own flat rental fee. For a wedding, you would ideally rent two event spaces, such as the main lobby or Governor's Hall and one of the exhibit floors. As their pricing is based on corporate events, they will work with you to create a package deal. The rental price includes the space rental, tables, event security and event technicians. It can also include staff for some of the exhibits, so your guests can interact with the exhibits during your wedding. Enough with the intro, here's the break down:

The Pros

- While the museum has preferred vendors, they allow you to use outside catering if you want certain types of cuisine, i.e. Indian food.

- The space involves built in entertainment for your guests. Worried about kids running amok? Stick them in an exhibit.

- The venue has an incredibly convenient location. New York City guests can take the light rail directly to the museum, while New Jersey guests can park in the lot, for an extra fee. 

- It's an incredibly unique place, which will result in a stand out wedding that your guests will always remember. 

- With a location in Liberty State Park, you get some amazing views for your photos beforehand. In addition, there is a terrace attached to the rental of the fourth floor which your guests can enjoy.

The Cons

- The space is very large, so it will take a lot of careful planning (and money) to adequately decorate it.

- It is a children's museum, which does not lead to the most romantic setting. Expect a lot of bright colors and large structures which may clash with your own decor.

- One of the options is to have your bar set up in front of the "Infection Connection" mural, which teaches you all about infectious diseases. How magical.

- You don't have a lot of time to coordinate set-up, as the museum is open until 5:00 p.m. and doors can open at 6:00 p.m. While you can have vendors start delivering items throughout the day, the actual set up time for your caterer is limited.

- Your caterer is in charge of linens, silverware, plates, glasses, drinks, and chairs, which can rack up the price.

- Because the rental fee depends on what space you rent out,  the price can be a little more if you choose to have your cocktail hour on one of the exhibit floors (which we recommend).

The Metropolitan Building in Long Island City, New York

We heard about The Metropolitan Building from Henry's friend, who went to a wedding at the space and loved it. Located near the water in Long Island City, the venue is an old warehouse converted to an event space. The venue is four floors, with the second and fourth floor including two separate event spaces. The abandoned warehouse look gives this space a beautiful and unique feel, which makes for amazing photos.

The Pros

- The rental fee for this space is very reasonable for one floor. Included in the rental are cocktail tables, serving tables, and a large number of round tables plus white wooden folding chairs. 

- There are no restrictions on caterers or vendors, which can be a big plus. 

- With the space comes access to an endless of supply of beautiful and unique vintage furniture, which will save you big time on any furniture rental costs. 

- The space has a lot of character, including built in shelves filled with old books, beautiful chandeliers, and unique fixtures, so your decor will be fairly simple.

- The venue is located near the water, so it's a short walk to some beautiful city views.

The Cons

- The rental fee is separate for the two floors, so your whole wedding (ceremony, cocktails and reception) is to take place all on the same floor. With a larger guest list, the ceremony and cocktail hour can feel a bit cramped and cluttered. You are of course free to rent out both floors, but they don't provide a discount for the two spaces, so the space goes a bit outside of budget.

- The location leaves a lot to be desired. It makes sense that a refurbished warehouse is located on the same street as abandoned warehouses, but it isn't the most romantic location.

- There is no parking provided, but from what we hear, street parking is always available and is reasonably safe. 

- Because you're only paying for the venue, you have to arrange to rent out tables, chairs, wait staff, etc.

- The space is not meant to be an event venue, so you do have some random fixtures (including poles and walls) that create an awkward shape to the room. It's nothing you can't work with though.

- Since it's an old building, the bathrooms are not in the best condition.

- There is an elevator in the building, but it's  a bit on the slow side and taking the stairs is quite a work out.

That's it for now, dolls. It's very likely that Saira and Henry will decide from one of the six venues that we have shared with you. So tell us, what do you think? Do you have any personal experience with any of these places? We want your input!


Jen & Saira

Heart Health 101- Cholesterol

Cholesterol plays a huge role in your heart health.  But, do you know what it is?  There are two types of cholesterol.  LDL (low density lipoprotein) is referred to as the bad cholesterol.  The second type is HDL (high density lipoprotein).  HDL is the type that protects the body and reduces the chances of heart attack. 

When you have high cholesterol you may develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels.  Over time, build of these deposits can make it more difficult for your blood to flow and eventually lead to cardiac arrest.  The goal is to boost your high cholesterol and lower your bad cholesterol.   You can do this through diet and regular exercise.  Foods that are high in omega 3’s, whole grains, and dietary fiber can help lower your cholesterol.  Regular exercise plays a big role in increasing your HDL (good cholesterol) in in lowering your bad cholesterol. 

You should always get your cholesterol checked regularly~ knowledge is power!


Ciji Dodds
Miss International 2011

Friday 13 July 2012

The Versatile Look Book: Pastel Pencil Skirt

Continuing with our "day to night style", here's a way to dress up a brightly hued pencil skirt from J. Crew (which is on sale, by the way). This skirt is perfect for your summer office style -- pair the colorful skirt with your basic button down or blouse for a conservative yet fashion forward look. Then let your hair down (literally) and recycle the skirt the following weekend for a casual (but ever so fashionable) outdoor BBQ. 

Business All The Time

Cocktails Anyone?


Jen & Saira

Int'l Pageant Logo Clothing, Jewelry and Pro Photos Available at Nationals!

Just over a week from Chicago…can you believe it?! Before you go, I highly recommend you invest in these special offers:

Allison has all kinds of awesome custom items that are perfect for travel! I love my custom velour suit and bag!

Titlewear will be selling numerous official International gear. You can also order custom items while at the pageant! Just talk to Minnesota International director-Allison Stavrakis!

I LOVE my rhinestone crown shirts from Bernee! I wear them to all kinds of appearances, including this one where I spoke about heart health to a middle school!

Bernee Thurow, Arkansas International director, will be selling fabulous rhinestone International Pageants crown t-shirts! I absolutely love my t-shirts! They are perfect for any occasion. Who can go wrong with bling?! Bernee will have the shirts during rehearsals and throughout pageant week.

Only Paula Preston Photography can capture amazing photos, especially this one in rehearsals!

The amazing Paula Preston and her team of professionals will be taking your photos throughout competition week. I highly recommend purchasing a package so that you will always be able to cherish the wonderful memories made during pageant week. Also, no cameras are allowed in the pageant theater. Only Paula’s team will be taking photos in there!

Who knows? Your Paula Preston photo may end up in Times Square!!

Jurnee Carr

Thursday 12 July 2012

Advice from a Tree


A close friend of mine posted this image on facebook and I was struck by how profound it is. I grew up with pine and magnolia trees towering above me. I always knew that there was something majestic but, I never could put my finger on it. When I saw this image, I had an “Aha!” moment.

1. Stand Tall and Proud: My favorite song when I was little was “This little light of mine.” I didn’t understand it until I got older. Don’t be ashamed of your light. Stand tall and proud in who you are and don’t be afraid to share your gifts with the world.

2. Go Out on a Limb: Ever climb a tree and get to the point where you want to turn back, but you realize that you’ve come too far so you might as well go for it? So you keep going until you reach the perfect limb, go out on it, and all of a sudden it makes sense. The view is spectacular and you are proud of your accomplishments. Life is a lot like that. Every now and then, go out on a limb, you will amaze yourself and be stunned by the view from a higher vantage point.

3. Remember Your Roots: Never forget where you come from. Your roots are your foundation. They provide you with stability and show you how far you have come. They also remind you of the people who are really important, those friends and family members who have been by your side every step of the way.

4. Drink Plenty of Water: Nourish yourself from the inside out. Take care of yourself. You only have one body, treat it as your temple. 

5. Be Content with Your Natural Beauty: There is, nor will there ever be anyone exactly like you. Embrace it!

6. Enjoy Life: You only live once, make it the memorable

Great advice from a tree eh!


Ciji Dodds
Miss International 2011

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Real Wedding Wednesday: Kasey and Joey

We love to feature real weddings!. Today we are happy to share with you these favorites from the wedding of Kasey and Joey, by our very talented friends over at Marie James Photography.  We love Kasey's retro inspired tea length dress with its gorgeous overlay and think she looks so natural and radiant in these pictures.  We also are really loving the fun vintage looking flower in her hair as well as the groom's relaxed, yet formal, look with the gray striped pants, ivory vest, and solid black jacket. In addition to the bride and groom's great fashion choices, Kasey's bridesmaids wore alternating pink and green dresses, adding another element of fun and cheer to what we're sure was a beautiful wedding.  Are you a recent bride or a photographer and would like us to feature your wedding or a wedding you have shot, please feel free to email us the details to We'd love to hear from you!

Thanks to Danielle over at Marie James Photography for sharing these with us.  Congratulations to Kasey and Joey.  We wish you happiness, always.


Jen & Saira