My Ping in

Friday 27 July 2012

For The Last Time, Jurnee Carr - Miss Teen International 2011

“Who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" –Esther 4:14

Just a few more days remain until I crown the new Miss Teen International 2012! This has been the experience of a lifetime that I will forever cherish. I cannot wait to see what my new sister queen will do with her title!

Thank you Mary & Mel Richardson for the hard work and dedication you put into this pageant to make it such a huge success. Joey, Clay and Terri for my fabulous wardrobe and photos; I love being around your smiling faces!

Mom and Dad, I love you so much and couldn’t have made it this year without your support. Granny and Papaw, thank you for supporting me and being my shoulder to lean on. My little sister, Jaecee Rae, and little brother, Daxx, you two keep me on my toes and remind me that being a big sister is my most important title. Tiffany and Robin Porter, your support means the world to me and I will always hold a special place for you in my heart.

Ciji, you have been an incredible Miss International and inspiration. It’s been an honor to share this year with you.

DeShaun, Allison & Bernee for allowing me to be a part of your pageant sisterhood. A special thanks to Allison for the gorgeous Titlewear clothes!

I would also like to thank: Patricia Edwards, International Pageant staff, Jurnee's Journey supporters & volunteers, Stephanie Ross, Gilbert Advanced Asset Management, Congressman Phil Roe, State Rep. Jason Mumpower, American Heart Association, and the HSUS for allowing me to be a part of the Youth Advisory Board.

It’s all about faith, not fate. When you let go of who you made yourself to be, and grab hold of what God has called you to, your journey will be far longer and greater than you can ever imagine.

Blessings to all,

Jurnee Carr
Miss Teen International 2011

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