My Ping in

Thursday 23 August 2012

Minnesota Welcomes Home Their Miss and Mrs. International

I absolutely adore my Minnesota Pageant family. They are the most wonderful and supportive women on the planet. Sarah Bazey and I were welcomed with big hugs and big congratulations from all our friends and family.  We shared our stories from competing at the national level with our past International titleholder sisters who had been in our shoes before. They were so proud of us!!

I got to thank my mock interview judges who helped me tremendously! Mock interviews and just practicing interviewing is such a great way to prepare for a pageant. It helped me figure out the best way to tell my personal story, and the best way to explain what exactly the “Healing Arts” are. They helped me figure out when to stop talking…because I tend to give a lot more information then needed in interview because I just get so darn excited!
My Mock interviewers consisted of current and former pageant title holders, a couple who had been coordinating pageant judges for years, and a former Miss International and judge. She was particularly helpful because she had experience on the stage, and off the stage as a judge. She gave me so much confidence in myself and in my story. Before I left for nationals she looked me right in the eye and said, “You can do this.We all know you can.” Of course, that made me feel good - but isn’t that what they tell everyone? I couldn’t possibly be the next Miss International; there are amazing girls with amazing accomplishments and stories competing against me. But, I guess they were right!

When I walked into the International interview I remembered everything my mock interviews told me and I laid it all out on the table. It was such a joy to be able to tell them how much they had helped me with my confidence, my speaking skills, and my ability to direct the interview towards questions I wanted them to ask me, with the proof of their hard work sitting right on top of my head!

We hung out by the pool all night eating lots of yummy treats! My judge from the Miss Minnesota International pageant, a former Mrs.Canada International, Amanda Lee sent us a beautiful Edible Arrangements bouquet. I love chocolate and fruit and have been dying to eat one of these things ever since I saw it on TV two years ago. Thanks Amanda! So delicious! We also had a cake with our pictures printed on it. This may sound insignificant, but I have never had my face on a cake so I was pretty psyched! It wasn’t long until I ate myself silly, haha.

Unfortunately, my dear friend Gabby Taylor was very ill and could not attend the party. We missed you Gabby, love you so much, and are very proud of you!!

Before the sun went down I got to chat with another one of my judges from the state competition, Nick Zerwas. He is the most supportive and encouraging man I have ever met and is so inspirational to me! He works with the American Hearth Association because he has had many serious heart problems and surgeries. He was so enthusiastic about me winning the state competition, and even more when I won the International competition. I love you Nick and Amanda – best judges ever! And thank you for supporting me all throughout my journey.

Thank you to my coach, my family, and all my pageant sisters for encouraging me and reminding me that I had what it takes to be Miss International 2012. Your kind words rang though my head all week during competition and helped me calm the nerves. I cannot thank each of you enough. I hope I have the opportunity to love and support all of you, they way you have helped me.

Krista Wanous

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