My Ping in

Friday 1 March 2013

Heart on the Hill

Advocacy can be a very important part of supporting a cause, and for the American Heart Association it was my pleasure to join many such supporters at the Minnesota State Capitol for Heart on the Hill! Training occurred in the morning, and the afternoon brought opportunities for constituents to meet with their respective legislators to share the key points of interest benefiting the need for a healthy community.

My first stop was in the Capitol Rotunda where I met with one of favorite heart health advocates, who happened to be one of my Mrs. Minnesota International judges, and he is a State Representative Mr. Nick Zerwas. Before departing the rotunda, I also had a chance to visit with State Representative Dean Urdahl and several citizens touring the building.

A group photo was taken, and then we were off to our individual appointments. State Representative Raymond Dehn was kind enough to give several of us his time and attention. His willingness to support our efforts was appreciated. Interestingly enough, as we piled into the elevator to head toward our next meeting with State Senator Bobby Champion, he walked into the elevator and I promptly introduced myself as a constituent who has voted for him through three elections. Needless to say, we shared an extended meeting and had a very nice exchange of information.

Thank you to everyone involved in making Heart on the Hill a successful day, and a special thanks to those who were willing sit down and listen.

Representative Nick Zerwas

Representative Dean Urdahl

Heart on the Hill Group

Representative Raymond Dehn

Senator Bobby Champion

With sincere appreciation, 

Sarah Bazey
Mrs. International 2012

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