Friday 8 March 2013

Minnesota Pre-Pageant Party

I had the pleasure of co-hosting the Minnesota Pre-pageant party with my sister queens, Sarah Bazey and Gabby Taylor.  This semi-formal event encourages all contestants to mingle and share their platforms, their last minute questions and of course, take tons of photos.  This event also includes many pageant volunteers and former International title holders so many of the first-time contestants have an opportunity to discuss any concerns about wardrobe or the pageant schedule.

To get the party started we played a bit of International pageant trivia with the new contestants and handed out prizes.  I was a bit surprised that some of the contestants had almost no knowledge of their pageant’s history, while others had clearly studied the system and its titleholders.  For those of you reading this blog, you probably have taken the time to research this system.  Someone who wants the title should know what charities the International system supports and why the Int’l system is unique.

Here’s a trivia question for you:  Who was the very first Miss International?  Hint she was from Minnesota, like me!  Check out the website for the answer.

This annual event included a silent auction of donated gift baskets to raise money for the “queen’s fund” which will assist the next Mrs., Miss and Teen Minnesota with expenses during her reign.  I enjoyed checking out the creativity of the baskets.  Some baskets were princess themed and filled with items that held images of crowns and rhinestones.  Other baskets contained gourmet coffees, wines and cheeses.  I recall make quite a few bids on a romance basket that included fondue for two, a plush blanket and scented candles, but failed to place the winning bid – drat!

Since this will be one of our final appearances before the March  16th pageant, Allison Stavrakis, Minnesota State Director assembled a farewell presentation for each of the out-going queens.  It was wonderfully done and included a video clip of our crowning moments followed by a photo compilation of appearance photos.  Watching a year of my reign compressed into a few moments of video made me realize just how quickly this time has passed.  I have to admit that it was difficult to hold back the emotions that well up as I remembered how many amazing people I have met and how many interesting opportunities that I have experienced as a result of winning this title.  Oh my, the tears are starting to well up again….

Good luck to all the Minnesota contestants, remember courage is not the absence of fear it is the action taken despite the fear.  Be brave, be authentic!

Thank you, Allison, Gabby and Sarah for a memorable year as Miss Minnesota International 2012.  Thank you to all the other amazing volunteers and pageant support professionals whose work provides an opportunity for young women to have a voice in their communities.

Love always,

Krista Wanous
Miss International 2012

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