Saturday 9 March 2013

Optimist Club Presentation

When I accepted the invitation to address the Northwest Suburban Optimist Club at the Golden Valley Country Club, I knew instantly that I would dedicate my message to a true optimist, my late father Leonard Wojtowicz. And, that is exactly what I did.

My presentation opened with a brief history of my father’s experience as a child of immigrant parents, raised in the Great Depression, a member of the “Silent Generation” as a WWII and Korean War veteran, small business owner, devoted husband, and father of six. When I was a little girl, I recall my father whistling as he cleaned the pool, the pride on his face as he mowed the lawn, and the loving way in which he only cared that we were okay if we slid into a ditch with his car. Because of the struggles he endured in his lifetime, he found richness in everyday chores and had a firm grasp on his priorities of; Faith, Family, and Country. His glass was always half full and he saw the possibilities in any situation.

I am my father’s daughter. It is because of my foundation that I was so very excited to meet with this group of individuals who come together with a common philosophy and set of goals. I thoroughly enjoyed the conversations with the members of this club and hope that the words I shared with them offered the favorable outcome an optimist expects!

Northwest Suburban Optimist Club

After a very nice introduction!

With sincere appreciation,

Sarah Bazey
Mrs. International 2012

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