My Ping in

Sunday 7 July 2013

Countdown to Nationals!

Ok ladies, nationals is coming up quickly. In two weeks you will be in the beginning phases of what, for one lucky lady, will be a life opening opportunity. I am sure you are full of emotions and your head is probably spinning with all the constant advice and constructive criticism as your prepare. At this time last year I was a complete mess. I was questioning everything from platform to wardrobe. So, for those of you who are feeling the nerves, my best advice for you is keep things in perspective!

You are already a state titleholder. That is a huge honor that I bet, many girls in your state would have quickly stepped into. And in that state, I am sure there are more people you can count who are supporting you. Not because they don’t think a state title is enough, but because they already see you in the perfect form that you naturally are. You have already done things that the average young women would never have the courage or confidence to do. The time, focus, and work that you have done leading up to this week is more than most would be willing to do. We are a unique breed us International gals. So give yourself a bit of credit for the outstanding woman you already are. In the next two weeks, it is a good time to stop practicing and being perfect, relax and just be you. You have learned everything you need to know, now say goodbye to robot and let your true self, shine.

When the pressure is building or you are starting to doubt yourself because of all the beautiful impressive women you are surrounded by during orientation, just remember, you are living a life so many girls dream of. We are real life princesses! I don’t know about you but most of my best girlfriends are crazy jealous of my tiara, shoe collection, and appearance opportunities.

How lucky are we to get to dress up in fantastical gowns and sequin covered clothing, with hair and make up done up like Barbie, for a whole week?! While meeting young woman from all over the world that share similar passions and interests to promote causes like you! If you take nothing else away from this pageant, please take the opportunity to network and get to know these women who are doing BIG things in their states. The network of young professionals I have met this year is truly priceless and I have no doubts I will call on their advice and assistance in my professional future.

This is a week only 60-some girls in the world get to experience each year! Take advantage of every moment no matter how tired, cranky, or hungry you may be. It will be an intense week and you will be pushed to your limits some days by take your eyes and focus off the crown and enjoy the journey.

I am looking forward to meeting each and every one of you but please keep in mind, as the national titleholder I have to keep a bit of distance between the current contestants and myself. Please don’t take it personally if I keep our interactions short and sweet!

Best of luck to you all!

Krista Wanous
Miss International 2012

P.S. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to start collecting inspiring music, quotes or images that keep your mind focused and uplifted. Surround yourself with happiness and motivation and channel Gods calming spirit through your heart and mind.

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